


My Loaded norton anti virus software has dedected a Trojan Simcss B virus in my system msl agent exe file which virus could not be repaired ; but to delete the file. The problem is that its a system file ' .Please can someone tell me what would happen if i delete this file and if i can re install the file back?


Copy the same file from other computer, SO SP and so on, similar to
your, to a flopy. Then copy it in your computer (overwrite)

Richard Urban

He won't find it on another computer unless, it also, is infected with the
same virus! Why would you even tell him to do this?


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

Alex Nichol

Steve said:
My Loaded norton anti virus software has dedected a Trojan Simcss B virus in my system msl agent exe file which virus could not be repaired ; but to delete the file. The problem is that its a system file ' .Please can someone tell me what would happen if i delete this file and if i can re install the file back?

Find the file and rename it to a different extension, like .bade so it
can't run. It is not the name of any legitimate windows file on my
machine, so I strongly suspect that it is in fact a virus/trojan,
pretending to be one. Reboot, and if nothing complains then you can go
ahead and delete. This BTW would also be the course if it *was* a
critical system file - the protection mechanism would then restore a
clean copy, and after rebooting to bring that into use, you can delete
the renamed one

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