Virus variant



Not on this computer but at work...
Running XP Pro on a new (less than 6 months old) Dell with Office Trends security. My Doom scans say not infected but office trends keeps picking up something called Troj-Winshow, but then offers no description of virus....and shows "clean failed.
System admin has been sending me notifications of e-mails I did not generate being sent me!And they are showing up in my junk mail
What is this and how do I get rid of it?...I tried one of the free anti trojan programs but it has not affected this particular virus.

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

There seem to be three variants. You should try running Housecall - to see what it identifies it with.

I don't know what Office Trends is, but I'd suggest another AV program if
this isn't catching stuff. No matter what you use, tho, keep it updated
*regularly* - as well as running a good firewall and running Windows Update
often for critical patches.

greenman said:
Not on this computer but at work....
Running XP Pro on a new (less than 6 months old) Dell with Office Trends
security. My Doom scans say not infected but office trends keeps picking up
something called Troj-Winshow, but then offers no description of
virus....and shows "clean failed."
System admin has been sending me notifications of e-mails I did not
generate being sent me!And they are showing up in my junk mail!
What is this and how do I get rid of it?...I tried one of the free anti
trojan programs but it has not affected this particular virus.

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