Virus In G-Spot v2.21


Ben Foster

Hey, I know this isn't a direct Win XP question but i thought you guys could

Upon updating my virus scanner (sophos antivirus) it informs me that in the
uninstall program of G-Spot v.2.21 (video statistics program) contains the
virus Troj/Multidr-KE, and so does the downloaded exe file it came in.

I have had a quick search on Google and on the virus definitions and the
only thing i can do by the looks is delete the file, but if i do that then i
can't uninstall G-Spot right?

So my main question really is how can I uninstall G-Spot without executing
the uninstall program and therefore executing the virus? Could i bypass the
program through contol panel maybe?

I'd really appreciate any information on how to get rid of this,
Many Thanks,
Ben Foster

Ben Foster

Erm just an advancement on that, its now started detecting it in MsgPlus!
uninstallation program aswell. The virus library says that upon exection it
drops malware on the pc, so i assume that when you uninstall these programs
it puts malware on your pc as a nice leaving present?

I don't know how many more programs are infected, soon as i get the chance
i'll do a full virus scan, but for now can someone please give me some
information as to whether this is just a misunderstanding or it is acutally
a virus?

Many Thanks in advance,
Ben Foster


Ben Foster said:
Hey, I know this isn't a direct Win XP question but i thought you guys could

Upon updating my virus scanner (sophos antivirus) it informs me that in the
uninstall program of G-Spot v.2.21 (video statistics program) contains the
virus Troj/Multidr-KE, and so does the downloaded exe file it came in.

I have had a quick search on Google and on the virus definitions and the
only thing i can do by the looks is delete the file, but if i do that then i
can't uninstall G-Spot right?

So my main question really is how can I uninstall G-Spot without executing
the uninstall program and therefore executing the virus? Could i bypass the
program through contol panel maybe?

I'd really appreciate any information on how to get rid of this,
Many Thanks,
Ben Foster

After an update of a trojan scanner that I use it reported over 1600 trojans
on my system, basically everything in windows system32.It was a bad update
and was corrected the next day.I'm not saying this is your problem but I
could be.Use an online virus scanner as a double check of sophos.
Here is a link of several scanners.

Ben Foster

That must have been my problem as well, because upon booting up my computer
today the programs in question seem to be clean, sophos hasn't given me any
virus warnings or anything

Thanks for your help,
Ben Foster

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