View source code



When trying to look at my source code through, view;
source, I get no reaction, not even an explanation as to
what to do next or what has happened to the code,
nothing, it is though I have issued no command, my mouse
is fine, and as I'm trying to learn HTML at the moment it
would be good if I could view my own source code.


At the moment I'am not writing any source code, but just
trying to get a feel for it by viewing some web pages on
the internet but alas I can't seem to be able to view any
code through view; source. Is this the only way to look
up an existing HTML code.


Thank you purplehaz, I'm not quite sure what I have done
but it has done the trick. I have only had this PC a
couple of months and I find it surprising that the
temporary internet files are causing congestion already,
is there a certain time parameter that should be used for
clearing these files out on a regular basis.

Wesley VogelX

In my opinion. Yes.Try this: Open Internet Explorer/Tools/Internet
Options/Advanced/go clear down to the bottom and check: Empty Temporary
Internet Files folder when browser is closed/Apply/OK.
Hope this helps. Let us know.


If your on dialup then about once a week is good. If your on broadband, I'd
clear them everyday.

Alex Nichol

RunningTim said:
Thank you purplehaz, I'm not quite sure what I have done
but it has done the trick. I have only had this PC a
couple of months and I find it surprising that the
temporary internet files are causing congestion already,
is there a certain time parameter that should be used for
clearing these files out on a regular basis.

What I suggest is that you go to Internet Options - click the Settings
button and there reduce he space allowed. Troubles arise from indexes
getting overloaded, and this prevents the overload. If you then leave
it as delete automatically they should not give trouble. As long as you
are not in the habit of downloading enormous files and only then
deciding where to put them, about 50MB should be plenty

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