Vermillion Pt. 2


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
>.> Hello I am new and I signed up because I need help with comps a lot and the site seemed cool and it is.. My name is Leo, I am 14, and that is about it for me.. IF you want more jsut ask or something.
Welcome Leo :D I'm glad you like the site!

I'm sure you'll learn lots here, and I'm sure you'll teach us a thing or two too!
USA, Florida most people here seeem to be from England or something.. lol
Hi Leo, welcome aboard :)

We do have a fair sprinkling of colonials from the other side of the pond, so you ain't alone :D
I lived in Atlanta in 1992 for 6 months, been back many times to Kansas, Missouri, Minnesota, New York City... twice to Kansas on my own for a month each time.

Can't get enough of the place