Vbe6.dll error in Access 2003



Hello. I have a few access databases that will not open properly in Access
2003. As far as I know, they were created in Access 2002 (Access 2002 file
format) and still open fine using Access 2002. When I try to open them in
Access 2003, they hang for a few seconds and then crash with a generic error
box, saying Access encounted a problem and must close. It also offers to
restart and repair the database, but the repaired copy crashes as well. Here
are the details of the error report...

AppName: msaccess.exe AppVer: 11.0.6566.0 AppStamp:42cdb33e
ModName: vbe6.dll ModVer: ModStamp:40b29ba6
fDebug: 0 Offset: 000a3246

If I open the database while holding shift, it will open the main window
until I move the mouse or access some menu functions from the keyboard. I
have tested on different versions of Office 2003 (no SP, SP1, SP2) and it
crashes on all of them. Would anyone be willing to walk me through the
repair process? I doubt that it is a damaged database as it works fine under
Access 2002. The final solution will be to convert the user back to Office
XP but I wanted to troubleshoot it first. Thanks for any help.


Just wanted to add that no I do not have Access 2002 and 2003 on the same
machine...I installed 2002 on another box to verify that it still works
there. Also, I tried what is suggested here


"I have had a similiar problem. An Access 2000 database will open fine in
Access 2002 but not in 2003. I would get a system error message that
indicates a problem in VBE6.DLL. I did a search in support.microsoft.com and
found an article (827319) about a problem with this DLL in Powerpoint. I used
the same process to fix Access 2003. Turns out that I had a missing reference
to Utility.MDA. After I removed this, I could open the database.

Basically this is what I did:
1. Quit Access 2003.
2. Click Start, point to Search, and then click For Files or Folders.
3. Type Vbe6.dll as the file name, and then click Search Now.
4. Click Start, and then click Run.
5. Type regsvr32 /u in the Open box. Make sure that you include a trailing
space after the "/u".
6. Drag the Vbe6.dll file from the Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
Shared\Vba\Vba6 folder in the Search Results box to the Run box after the
"/u". The Open box now looks similar to the following: regsvr32 / u
"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Vba\Vba6\Vbe6.dll".
7. Click OK. You receive a message that states that the operation succeeded.
8. In the Search window, right-click the Vbe6.dll file that you used in step
6, and then click Rename.
9. Rename the file to Vbe6.old, and then close the Search window.
10. Start Access 2003.
11. If you are prompted to repair the installation, click No.
12. On the Tools menu, point to Macro, and then click Visual Basic Editor.
13. Click Yes when you are prompted to repair.
14. Open database
13. On the Tools menu, point to Macro, and then click Visual Basic Editor.
14. In Visual Basic Editor, Select Tools Editor
15. Resolve missing referneces by removing or fixing the entry."

to no avail...


It appears to be working now. I loaded the dbs in Office 2002 and did a
compact/repair and then went back in 2003 (using shift+click to open the db)
and exported all objects out to a new, empty database. After exporting all
of the items the original copy now opens as it should and appears to be
stable. if anyone could clarify why the exporting process would have made a
difference please enlighten me. Thanks.

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