VBA editor



I am using Windows Vista and Excel 2007.
I have installed XLSTAT add in as a trial ver.
When I uninstalled XLSTAT following the company steps for uninstalling I got
the following problem:
each time I tried to open the VBA editor I got the following
VBE6EXT.OLB could not be loaded
when I press the O.K. button I get another message
Out of memory
by pressing O.K. the VBA editor can not be opened.
Please, HELP because I have been working on a project for weeks.
Thanks in advance.


I don't have 2007, but this is what I'd check in 2003.

When in your VBA editor, I'd look at Tools -> References and see if the
addin is selected for the selected project. If it is, deselect it.

Barb Reinhardt

Jim Rech

by pressing O.K. the VBA editor can not be opened.

Since you get the error when opening the VBE I can only guess that the
product installed itself as an add-in in the VBE. Normally you would
de-select a VBE add-in from loading using Add-ins, Add-in Manager in the
VBE. But since you cannot open the VBE you have to modify the registry
setting that causes the VBE to load the add-in.

With Excel closed:

From Start->Run type in "regedit.exe" (no quotes) and click OK. Then
navigate to this branch:


When you expand this node you will see further nodes for all the VBE
add-ins. If you don't see any then something else is going on but hopefully
you can identify a node for the troublesome add-in. If you do, select it
and then press F2 and edit its name by, say, adding an "x" at the beginning.

After you do this you can start Excel, with Regedit still open, and see if
it helped. If not, you might close Excel, reverse the renaming in Regedit
and try another key it there are any other suspects. Hope this helps.

Jim Rech

Rethinking part of my advise

If you find the key for the add-in, rather than rename it I suggest that

-Export the key by right clicking it, selecting Export and save it to an
easy to find location.
-Right-click the key and select Delete to remove the key.

This way you will not get errors about the VBE not being able to load the
renamed add-in.

If you need to put the entry back in the registry just pick Import from
Regedit's File menu.

George Nicholson

VBE6EXT.OLB is the Microsoft VBA Extensibility Library (includes objects
that allow you to modify modules/code within VBA or modify the VB editor
environment). On my WinXP/Office2003 machine its located at
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VBA\VBA6

Since the error message specifies "Unable to load" that particular file, and
not the removed add-in (XLSTAT), you might just need to replace/re-register
that library (which i assume either got deleted or otherwise gummed up
during the XLSTAT uninstall). Afaik the only way to do that would be to
rerun Office setup or do a "repair installation".

But the problem would seem to be in not being able to find a legal (&
sometimes needed) Microsoft file, not a orphaned addin reference.


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