VB2005 - Split Files



I am thinking of getting VB2005 to replace my VB2003 but don't like the idea
of having two files for one form (I have enough files on my computer as it
is). Is there any way to have VB2005 act like VB2003 and keep the form in
one .vb file?


Mr. Dennis,

Having two files for a form isn't that big of a deal. Each file
corosponding with a project is stored in the projects folder. I would suggest
upgrading to .NET 2005 becuase of the new features. Don't stay outdated
becuase of something that small.

Michael D. Ober

The two file split actually allows you to keep the display code in one file
and the business logic in the "code-behind" file. Don't worry about the
number of files on your system (for this reason at least).

Mike Ober.


Thanks for reply..do I have to do this manually each time I start a new form
or is there an option in the IDE enviornment that I can set to keep the files


Thanks for reply. I just don't see a major problem with keeping just one
file since all the display code can be shrunk to one line. Anyway, I got
another answer saying I can in fact use only one file. I think I'll upgrade
WHEN SP1 comes out.

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