VB.NET, Unit testing and .NET Framework book recommendation

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I've been programming in VB.Net and done testing with TypeMock and
MbUnit (Testdriven.net) for about 2months now at work. I can see that
my testing skills and particular my knowledge about the .NET
is far too weak. Far to often I choose to implement custom stuff
that's already available to me from the framework, or I use the wrong
stuff from the framework. Also I feel that the whole concept of
Oriented Programming is a bit vague to me, and often i dont know what
to test and why!

One of my solutions to this is to buy a few good books on the
different topics:

1. I need a book(s) that tells me about the framework, what is
available and what to use when. It's a positive if this also covers
the concept of Object Oriented Programming.

2. I need a book(s) that's covers testing, functional tests, a
positive if it's with TypeMock and MbUnit...

Please keep in mind that the books need to be at beginner level! So,
any recommendations out there? :)


What is your educational background? Do you have a 4-year computer science
degree? A 4-year CIS or IT degree? A 2-year degree? Etc.

What is your programming background? Are you an experienced programmer in
other languages, but new to VB and .Net? Do you have previous
non-object-oriented programming experience? Etc.

Kerry Moorman

What is your educational background? Do you have a 4-year computer science
degree? A 4-year CIS or IT degree? A 2-year degree? Etc.

What is your programming background? Are you an experienced programmer in
other languages, but new to VB and .Net? Do you have previous
non-object-oriented programming experience? Etc.

Kerry Moorman

- Show quoted text -

I have a 2-year traditional IT-degree from here in Sweden. But that's
a couple of years ago. My experince is mainly with Transact SQL - SQL
server 2000/2005. Before that i was doing small projects in
traditional asp, using vb 6.0 against SQL2000 but i would not count
myself as experinced in that field either. Now I need to go down the
road of object-oriented programming - vb.net - dont we all? :)

Hope that helps!
Also I feel that the whole concept of
Oriented Programming is a bit vague to me, and often i dont know what
to test and why!

One of my solutions to this is to buy a few good books on the
different topics:

You need good books on VB.Net, ADO.Net, ASP.Net or if going desktop, you
need the same but for Windows desktop if you're going in that direction.

I am going to tell you to go to the horse's mouth for this and that is MS.


You should toss it out of your mind that the books are for certification
training. Those books will give you the basics from begining to end and a
solid foundation. Some books IMHO are too bloated and they just don't pin
point what you need to know. A certification is really about this. Do you
know the basics and that's what those books give you, which the books cover
C# and VB.NET in the same books And you go for Web, Windows Desktop or
1. I need a book(s) that tells me about the framework, what is
available and what to use when. It's a positive if this also covers
the concept of Object Oriented Programming.

2. I need a book(s) that's covers testing, functional tests, a
positive if it's with TypeMock and MbUnit...

Your application that you develop must be in a testing configuration or be
able to use a testing harness, which is the key. I don't know what book to
tell you to get for VB.Net. The one I have read is for C#.Net I don't know
if the one below is for C#. You maybe able to find something for VB.


About the testing harness, your application must be configured to be tested



click 'Shows'

click 'Design Patterns Bootcamp: Model View * Patterns*

view parts 1-5

You can use Google to get more information about this or find books.

As a matter of fact, you can view all the other shows.

You should be able to find books and articles about MVP.
Please keep in mind that the books need to be at beginner level! So,
any recommendations out there? :)

You need to toss out the beginner crap and don't sale yourself short,
because you have already been doing this it seems. You just need to be set
on the right course.

This book has Java examples, but Java is not hard to understand. The book is
not about Java, but about OO concepts which are universal to any OO
language. Java was here before .Net.


Then if you want to learn what it's all about, then I suggest you get the VB
book, put the framework together, put the project together that uses the
CSLA framework and understand it. It's not about using the CSLA framework
solely or even trying to implement it somewhere. It's about the concepts
being presented and those basic object types you'll need to understand and
use in developing a solid OO application.

