Util soft: to compare directories by size, name but not time stamp?



I have several directories with files with the same name and content,
but the date stamp is different. I have a software that will find
duplicates files, but if the date stamp is different it assumes the
file is different (which it is not in my case). I am hoping to find a
free ware program that does that. thanks.

Thorkild Dalsgaard

I have several directories with files with the same name and content,
but the date stamp is different. I have a software that will find
duplicates files, but if the date stamp is different it assumes the
file is different (which it is not in my case).

DupeLocater can search thousands of files in a matter of seconds.

It does NOT care about file names or dates, only the contents of the files.
Files are considered duplicates If, and ONLY if, their entire contents are
identical. Bit for bit.
Duplicate files are exactly the same size, and contain exactly the same data.

Mentioned in

3.10 Duplicate File Checker DupeLocater (v Midnight Blue
Software . (n.i.) LFW v Link

Download from

Thorkild Dalsgaard


I have several directories with files with the same name and content,
but the date stamp is different. I have a software that will find
duplicates files, but if the date stamp is different it assumes the
file is different (which it is not in my case). I am hoping to find a
free ware program that does that. thanks.

I just want to point out that identical files have the same creation
date (but not necessarily the same last accessed and/or last modified
dates). So there seems to be a flaw in your particular dup file
finder. Point being ... don't necessarily exclude those fast dup file
finders that work on the basis of Creation date AND file length as
the criteria. They don't establish that the files are identical ...
that requries either a scheme like MD5 or literally doing a bit by bit
comparision. But they may be adequate for your purposes.




Art said:
I just want to point out that identical files have the same creation
date (but not necessarily the same last accessed and/or last modified

Not true. If you copy a file, the new copy gets a creation date of
today-right-now, while the last modified date is unchanged. (Try it
and see for yourself.)



Thanks, it does partially what I want. I will tell me which files
have the same name but different amount of bits. But other files that
that exist in one directory (eg. tuner002) but does not exit in the
other directory, it will not notify me of that. Also, it only print
out a list of mis-match but it does not allow me to move that list of
file in a different directory so I can rename the files that have the
same name but different content. It only allows me to over write the
files that are different to make them the same.

What I am trying to do is make one comprehensive list of songs out of
the two directories. Some files are identical but others have the
same name (tuner004.rec) but different content. So those are the
files I would like to move to a new directory and rename. Hope this
does not sound to confusing. Thanks.

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