Using Outlook 2000-getting error 13004-Version not registered w Ag



However, I have successfully worked with the Microsoft Genuine Validator and
have installed SP3 for my Microsoft products, incuding Outlook 2000, so this
error popping up puzzles me. I have looked thru knowledge base and can't
find this error, so what can I do to fix this. The message says contact my
software vender--isn't that Microsoft? I don't think I should have to pay
for a support call to fix an error in the software's recogniztion that I have
a genuine, duly registered product.

Diane Poremsky

what versions of office applications do you have installed? Outlook 2000
should pass because it doesn't need activated.


All are Office 2000. I had updated to SP3 for some time now, so I'm puzzled
as to why I am now getting this error message, nor how to fix it.

Diane Poremsky

Does it say specifically that outlook 2000 isn't genuine? copy and paste
the text of the message here.

It shouldn't matter about the SP or anything - Office 2000 should not be
affected by the genuine advantage program - office 2002 and up will be.

The only thing I can think is that the install key ("cd key") you are using
is a volume key that is pirated.

DAB said:
All are Office 2000. I had updated to SP3 for some time now, so I'm
as to why I am now getting this error message, nor how to fix it.


Hi Diane,

It finally dawned on me why I can't find the error message anywhere in
Outlook. It is InstallShield Wizard that is generating the message, but that
is still a Microsoft issue.
"Available Program Updates
The following updates are available on the internet.

The Update Service does not recognize this product. Please contact your
vendor for updates to this product. Error 13004: Version Not
Registered with the Agent."

I'm convinced the CD is genuine, and I have successfully updated my Office
products to SP3 and have been looked at by the Advantage program for each
update. What puzzles me is that I've had the laptop for over a year without
this issue showing up. I do not know why now, but more importantly I don't
know how to make it stop. I'm not expecting there will be anymore updates
for Outlook 2000.

I've heard that Outlook 2003 or Outlook 07 has a better option for pulling
my Hotmail into Outlook than the 2000 version. I would like Outlook to pull
in Hotmail like Outlook Express does.

Thanks for attempting to help me.


It looks like my last reply did not post--where I shared a realization that
the error message is not coming from Outlook 2000, but coming from the
Microsoft InstallShield Wizard. The message is, "The Update Service does not
recognize this product. Please contact your softward vender for updates to
this product. Error 13004: Version Not Registered with the Agent.

Still quite stuck re how to resolve this

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