User&Password in a form




I have a form that should only allow users that are in a table (User) if
they insert the correct user and password, if they insert the incorrect
password ou if the user doesnt exist then they cant login.

The table [User] has the fields [UserID], [Password].

Is there a way that i can do this?


Yes, you can arrange something like this, but I think you jhave to work hardly.
Remember that is a form loads (and it does, since you would provide
textboxes to retrieve ID and passoword) you are already logged into the
You have to create the form that asks for ID and password as modal, so that
users can't discharge it and go on to the others database objects.
Then you should manage the permission for each user so that they cannot make
changes to the database objects. And managing security in Access can be a
challenge. Look carefully in the security section for hints.
Does are the main steps. Then you can go further by hiding
table...queries..etc...and maybe building new maneu and toolbare so that
users cannot access to options that can override your settings.


David C. Holley

What is the specific reason for wanting to implement this? Why won't the
buildt-in Access sercurity work?
Yes, you can arrange something like this, but I think you jhave to work hardly.
Remember that is a form loads (and it does, since you would provide
textboxes to retrieve ID and passoword) you are already logged into the
You have to create the form that asks for ID and password as modal, so that
users can't discharge it and go on to the others database objects.
Then you should manage the permission for each user so that they cannot make
changes to the database objects. And managing security in Access can be a
challenge. Look carefully in the security section for hints.
Does are the main steps. Then you can go further by hiding
table...queries..etc...and maybe building new maneu and toolbare so that
users cannot access to options that can override your settings.



I have a form that should only allow users that are in a table (User) if
they insert the correct user and password, if they insert the incorrect
password ou if the user doesnt exist then they cant login.

The table [User] has the fields [UserID], [Password].

Is there a way that i can do this?


Hello Pedro,

the statement from rocco is correct, you are already logged in to the
database, when you want to present the login form. But there is a possibility
to avoid that anyone can start your application while pressing the shift key
or show the database windows while pressing F11.

Look in the Access Help for "AllowBypassKey" this will disable to start
access while holding the shift key, second make a modal form for the log in
dialog, you should not store the user password in the database, better is to
store a hash value of the password, like a md5 string hash, or you have to
encrypt the password, because everyone who will be able to link the user
table will see the passwords of the users.

I won't try to implement the access based security on user and roles,
because in most cases it ist to complex and not flexible enough to satisfy
the business needs.



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