Use Outlook to send to contacts in a query


Alan Bunting

Is there a way to set Outlook to send to contacts stored in a query (or a
table) WITHOUT just importing them and doing it that way? I want to create a
database, set Outlook to look in it, and have it send to contacts whose
contact information will be listed in that database.



Yes, there is a way. But have you explored, and rejected, storing contacts
in Outlook and creating Outlook Distribution Lists?

If you really need to store your contacts in Access, then you could use VBA
code in your Access database to start Outlook and send and an email (or
Mailitem as Outlook calls it). Your VBA code would need to open a Recordset
object on your query and loop through the recordset pulling out the email

The process of starting one application (Outlook) from another (Access) is
called Automation. (Both applications need to support Automation, which
Outlook and Access do.) It can be a bit tricky.

You will bump into a number of practical problems. For example, what happens
when many of your Access records store invalid or out-of-date email
addresses? If email addresses are invalid, Outlook won't be able to send to
them. If the email addresses are out-of-date, you'll get many "Undelivered"
replies. You'll need to update your contacts efficiently. Keeping contacts
up-to-date is an issue wherever the contact data is stored. But you may tire
of the problems if it's difficult getting accurate information. This is why
I suggest you think about Outlook Contacts and Distribution Lists.

I can think of two books that contain information about Outlook Automation:

Access Cookbook
by Getz, Litwin and Baron

Microsoft Outlook Programming
by Sue Mosher

Browse these books in a bookstore to see if they also cover looping through
a recordset. (I expect the Access Cookbook will but I can't remember

There are Microsoft Newsgroups dedicated to Outlook, which would better
answer specific Outlook questions.


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