Use of the DSUM function



Who can give me a hand?

I am using the function below; so far so good.
DAvg("[wng_OPP_SLPK1]";"TBL_Woningen";"[wng_CFT Code] = """ & [pdt_CFT code]
& """")

Now I need to generate a sum on a field that contains the value "J". How can
I change the function:
into a
DSum function where the field to sum is wng_COD_INDCV (with the text "J"),
the table TBL_Woningen and the criteria [wng_CFT Code] = """ & [pdt_CFT code]
& """"

I can not seem to get the syntax right.


Duane Hookom

It looks like you actually want to count

DCount("[wng_OPP_SLPK1]";"TBL_Woningen";"[wng_CFT Code] = """ & [pdt_CFT
code] & """ AND wng_COD_INDCV='J'")


Hi Duane,

Thank you very much, this definitely is the solution to my question.

Ron Bouma

Duane Hookom said:
It looks like you actually want to count

DCount("[wng_OPP_SLPK1]";"TBL_Woningen";"[wng_CFT Code] = """ & [pdt_CFT
code] & """ AND wng_COD_INDCV='J'")

Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP

RoBo said:
Who can give me a hand?

I am using the function below; so far so good.
DAvg("[wng_OPP_SLPK1]";"TBL_Woningen";"[wng_CFT Code] = """ & [pdt_CFT code]
& """")

Now I need to generate a sum on a field that contains the value "J". How can
I change the function:
into a
DSum function where the field to sum is wng_COD_INDCV (with the text "J"),
the table TBL_Woningen and the criteria [wng_CFT Code] = """ & [pdt_CFT code]
& """"

I can not seem to get the syntax right.


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