Upgrading to 64-bit XP Pro, old programs compatibility?



I am facing a situation. I want to upgrade to Win XP Pro x64 from a x86. I
understand that there is no "upgrade" you can do just a clean instalation.
However, I would like to keep all my programs that I have installed in my x86
xp pro version that I am running right now. Of course I am running hardware
that is compatible for the upgrade. So my question would be if I backup all
my programs and files, and do an x64 clean install, can I restore the backed
up files and programs without having problems? Thanks

Ken Blake, MVP

The said:
I am facing a situation. I want to upgrade to Win XP Pro x64 from a
x86. I understand that there is no "upgrade" you can do just a clean

That is correct.

However, I would like to keep all my programs that I
have installed in my x86 xp pro version that I am running right now.

Sorry, but that is not possible.

Of course I am running hardware that is compatible for the upgrade.
So my question would be if I backup all my programs and files, and do
an x64 clean install, can I restore the backed up files and programs
without having problems? Thanks

You can restore the backed up data files without a problem.

You can restore the backed up programs, but they will not run. They will be
missing the many entrtries and pointers to them that used to be within the
old Windows installation, in the registry and elsewhere.

A very occasional tiny self-contained program might run, but that's all. You
can *not* do what you want to do.


The Mexican said:
I am facing a situation. I want to upgrade to Win XP Pro x64 from a x86. I
understand that there is no "upgrade" you can do just a clean instalation.
However, I would like to keep all my programs that I have installed in my x86
xp pro version that I am running right now. Of course I am running hardware
that is compatible for the upgrade. So my question would be if I backup all
my programs and files, and do an x64 clean install, can I restore the backed
up files and programs without having problems? Thanks

You need to *reinstall* your programs...but they should still work...
Just check first that there are 64bit drivers for your periphery devices.

What I recommend is installing XP_64 on *another* partition and dual boot...
then as things start working out ...slowly migrating over to XP_64

I set my GF's machine up that way and after a few months...
when we were sure all was OK...set XP_64 as the default OS.

IMHO>>>Considering that the 64bit mobo is nowadays the standard...
I don't see why anyone who's a power user bothers with the 32bit OS...
Too bad the driver support has not quite caught up yet.

Bruce Chambers

The said:
I am facing a situation. I want to upgrade to Win XP Pro x64 from a x86. I
understand that there is no "upgrade" you can do just a clean instalation.
However, I would like to keep all my programs that I have installed in my x86
xp pro version that I am running right now. Of course I am running hardware
that is compatible for the upgrade. So my question would be if I backup all
my programs and files, and do an x64 clean install, can I restore the backed
up files and programs without having problems? Thanks

No, that's not possible. After you've formatted the hard drive and
installed WinXPx64, you'll still also have to reinstall each and every
application anyway, in order to recreate the hundreds (possibly
thousands) of registry entries and to replace the dozens (possibly
hundreds) of essential system files back into the appropriate Windows
folders and sub-folders.


Bruce Chambers

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So, if I understand correctly, I will need the x64 driver for each program in
order for them to work in my machine after the clean installation. If that is
the case, will the programs install if there is no driver update available?
For example, I have what I consider the best screensaver to have been
programmed Soqualmie, and I am pretty sure that it does not have a driver
available for x64 machines.


The said:
So, if I understand correctly, I will need the x64 driver for each
program in order for them to work in my machine after the clean
installation. If that is the case, will the programs install if there
is no driver update available? For example, I have what I consider
the best screensaver to have been programmed Soqualmie, and I am
pretty sure that it does not have a driver available for x64

No no no. You need 64-bit drivers for your *hardware* (sound card,
video card, etc), not software (which doesn't have drivers). All your
software should work just fine.


I read through all the questions and answers regarding your situation, but I
should interject my own comments, as I have personally done this.

First, some sales words: Moving from 32-bit XP Pro (which is similar to
32-bit home version) to XP Pro x64 is a worthwhile effort. Certainly, things
got a little faster. More importantly, however, is that the system is much
more stable and reliable, even though I never really had any substantial
complaints about 32-bit Pro. There is a slightly bit more hassle with
security, as one might expect. It's important to realize that XP Pro x64
came from a Windows Server 2003 base, not the Windows 2000 base of XP, so
some rather routine things ARE different, which you might not expect;
however, I suspect that is also why it seems somewhat faster and more

I still do not have drivers for all the devices I have on my machine,
although I've been using it about six months now. Some notable drivers
missing are the HP-provided driver for HP6980 printer and for an APC UPS. As
for as the printer goes, there is a downloadable version of a driver from HP
that works just to print, but you don't get all the fancy features of printer
monitoring and all that. As far as the UPS goes, I'm just running without a
driver. I also have had a SIIG SCSI card and an IoINIT SCSI card, both of
which had to be laid aside for lack of driver; I had to go to an LSI SCSI
card. Other than that, I've found most all the drivers I needed. Oh,
LogiTech drivers for their keyboards/mouse, etc., don't support Pro X64.
They will run without special drivers correctly, but again, you'll be missing
the ability to "tune" them and that kind of things. Keep in mind that many
of these manufacturers, particularly LogiTech, say on their retails boxes
that their products work/support all versions of XP, but it's just not true
(someone should get them for false advertising -- I learned this after I
bought a new scrollable mouse).

Programs are in the same situation: most run if reinstalled. However, there
are some, AVG antivirus comes to the top of my mind (probably most antivirus
programs would need a x64-compatible version update), that need updated
versions. Generally the "old" ones will just fail to install, but
ocassionally they install but don't work correctly.

One other thing: When you're obtaining other software, keep in mind the
Windows Server 2003 base. For example, SP2, the upcoming service pack for XP
Pro X64, is in "release candidate" stage, but you can't find it in the XP
service packs, nor does it's number equal or is equivalent to, in any way,
SP2 for the other versions of XP. In this case, you will find the SP2 update
on the microsoft download site
"http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/...44-96B3-4D11-9293-12970CD62FED&displaylang=en", in the Windows Server 2003 section.

All that being said, I still believe it's a worthwhile upgrade; If I were
running a business computer, though, one would have to look really hard to
justify it because of the upgrade hassles I mentioned.


You indicated that I said , "You mentioned that antivirus would not work well
they are able to be installed"? I believe you misunderstood what I intended;
what I tried to say was that, most likely your existing antivirus will not
work and
will need to be upgraded. I had to upgrade my AVG free version to AVG Pro, as
the "free" version does not support the x64 environment. AVG Pro runs
excellently on XP Pro x64.
Also, any CD/DVD writing program you use will probably have to be upgraded,
Nero, Roxio, whatever. Nero 7+ works extremely well with XP Pro x64 (no,
it's not
Also, I have a logitech wireless keyboard/mouse combo (lx700), they
should be able to work even though I will not be able to use the setpoint
program they come bundle with?
Although this sentence has a question mark, it is not worded as a sentence,
so I'm not sure what you're asking. At any rate, your assertion is correct:
your LogiTech KB/Mouse will probably work OK but you will not be able to
use all the fancy LogiTech Installation-CD stuff. You'll probably have to
settle for the basic Microsoft drivers. By the way, I recommend you blast
LogiTech on their support website for this. There advertising isn't
correct, saying
that they support XP, and they offer
only evasive answers, if you can get any information whatsoever, about when
might support an Pro x64. They are clearly the most evasive and dishonest
of the
vendors I've run into when trying to get support/drivers.

Good Luck.

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