Upgradiing to XP on my notebookl hard drives?


John Morris

I'm trying this in this newsgroup since I doubt that MS could do this to

I have a notebook and 4 different hard drives in cradles
which are used for each one in our family. I found that it
was easier to have one hard drive for me, one for my 9
year old, one for my 10 year old, and one for my wife. We
all do different things on these hard drives all using the
same notebook computer.

Since the notebook only takes one hard drive at a time, no
two hard drives can ever be used at the same time.

Since I was a MS Win98 beta tester, I have Win98 currently
installed on these drives as the OS.

Recently, I decided to upgrade them all to Win XP Pro, but
after partially reading the license online, I am now
wondering if I can install it on each hard drive or if I
need to buy the same program 4 times even though I can
NEVER use any two programs at the same time?

Since I don't want to break the law, if I need to buy 4
copies of XP, I'll need to stay with Win98.

Can I just buy WinXP once and install it on each hard
drive which will be used individually in the notebook

I can't imagine Bill G appreciating us on one hand and punishing us on
another? With all the MS apps and games that would follow XP os on those
Hard Drives, Bill Gates has to be smarter than that? Right?



Interesting question. After all, you're still only effectively using one PC,
with the other drives as 'backups" :)


I think use of product is limited to 1 pc, obviously not
to 1 user. Pc is identifiable remotely, drive on Pc is
not. No problem. Software isn't up to virtual machine yet
where several users can log on with similar or varying
operating systems from various drives. When registering,
it is always you. You might try just 1 XP install to see
if it runs your games or whatever else you do as well as

It's too bad there is no way to check out a product in
advance without having to pay some $300 only to find out
that it doesn't do what you want or have been able to.

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