upgrade old pentium 2 computer 98



we have two computers , a AMD with xp already , and an old pentium 2 with win

can we update a pentiom 2 computer with widows xp, then migrate the xp
licence to a mother board upgrade later on?
OR is it better to wait untill we can afford to upgrade the mother board and
os at the same time?


FRED1234 said:
we have two computers , a AMD with xp already , and an old pentium 2 with

can we update a pentiom 2 computer with widows xp, then migrate the xp
licence to a mother board upgrade later on?
OR is it better to wait untill we can afford to upgrade the mother board
os at the same time?

I would advise to wait. It will save you a lot of grief trying to upgrade
the pentium2 (besides, it will probably run like a dog if you do succeed)
and it will save you hasstle in order to get your registration straight




I have read in MS oem licensing for oem builders, Microsoft draws the line
with MOBO's,new Mobo, new license for WinXP, now if its under warranty and
goes into service and new mobo comes out(same model, ect) with different
serial number, this may present a problem, However, since its not really a
change-one would have pretty good grounds to be reactivated without fee, I
tend to believe a 3yr warranty MOBO from Big Corporation, would have better
appeal, than imitations , of course its a call by call basis and policy is
subject to change, they may allow it , after XP is off MS product life span
program ect, When Longhorn Client for instance comes out, in circa 2005-6 or
thereabouts. Longhorn's new features , free support , ect,
would get home pc Computer builders , ect to migrate there Op systems to
Long Horn, and WinXP use would go down.
I hope Longhorn is not a bum steer.


Retail versions of Windows are excluded from mobo limitations, whereas OEM
versions are not, Retail has free MS support for 6 mos, ect, OEM does not,
thus the price difference.



Aside from the hardware requirements and performance issues, as soon as you
put a new copy of Windows XP on the Pentium 2 system, you'll need a license.

One license goes for each system, the basic rule game is like that.

I would recommend you, as I do to my own old systems, save money and set a
target amount spent to buy a new system including important and major
hardware and software (operating system, for example).

By the way, your older system is Win 98. I would also recommend to do a
clean installation (although others may suggest otherwise) instead of using
upgrade installation. Either way, you'd need to consider the capacity of
HDD, so maybe it would better for you to think the system as a whole.

Hope this will help.

Alex Nichol

FRED1234 said:
we have two computers , a AMD with xp already , and an old pentium 2 with win

can we update a pentiom 2 computer with widows xp, then migrate the xp
licence to a mother board upgrade later on?

If you buy it its own copy of XP it would be legitimate. But probably
give very poor performance - especially if you have less than 256 MB
RAM, which is very likely. I would save up and get a complete upgrade
in one when you can manage it

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