Firefox Extension: Tabbrowser Preferences v1.2.8
Overview :
This extension provides a comprehensive UI for changing a number of the
hidden tabbed browsing preferences in Firefox. It also provides the
ability to control how internal and external links are opened in the
browser and how the browser will react when links are sent to it. This
extension was originally authored by Chris Cook, but he no longer has the
time to maintain it and has permitted me to take over maintainership of
TBP. The extension is currently licensed under the Tri-Licence. This
extension fully supports locales, and contains the following locales: cs-
CZ, de-DE, en-US, it-IT, ko-KR, nb-NO, nl-NL, pt-BR, sl-SI, zh-CN, zh-TW.
If anyone wishes to localize TBP for other locales, please contact me and
I will incorporate your locale into TBP. See the locale page for more
information. The features offered by TBP are as follows: open URLs in the
URL bar and searches from the search bar in new tabs * open the homepage
in every newly created tab * select tabs by moving the mouse onto them,
instead of clicking on them * moving the tabbar to the bottom of the
browser window * opening URLs from the Extension/Theme Manager and the
Help window in new tabs * opening the throbber in a new tab * control the
focusing/unfocusing of various tab-creating functions, such as the File->
New Tab command * per-tab locking, to force left-clicked links to open in
new tabs * compatibility with Tab Clicking Options * ability to drag and
drop URLs on the new tab button on the tab bar * ability to control
focusing of newly created tabs * ability to divert URLs away from popup
windows (still under development).
These settings are now accessed through a preference panel in the Options
dialog, located at Tools->Options (Windows) or Edit->Preferences (Linux).
The last feature listed above is still under development, and is only
available in TBP 1.2.7 and later. To enable it, the hidden preference
extensions.tabprefs.divertPopupLinks can be changed to either the value 1
or the value 2 - the former value causes TBP to divert all left-clicked
links inside popup windows into normal Firefox windows, sans JavaScript
links, while the latter value only does so for links with target
attributes. Be warned that this feature may cause breakage; if it does,
please let me know.
What's New:
# NEW: the New Tab button can be dragged onto a tab to clear it
# NEW: in Firefox 1.5, tabs can be dropped on the Close Tab button to
close them
# NEW: selecting tabs on mouseover now configurable in pref dialogs
# NEW: newly created blank tabs can be focused/unfocused, and this can be
controlled from the pref dialogs
# NEW: tabs loaded by clicking on links in the EM, TM, and Help Browser
are focused only if browser.tabs.loadInBackground is false
# FIXED: the URL bar is properly restored when opening URLs from it in
new tabs
# FIXED: Ctrl and Alt both work in the URL bar and search bar
# FIXED: tab focusing issues in the homepage-in-new-tab functions
# FIXED: coding issues (unwanted errors due to missing functions,
uncaught exceptions, etc).
# FIXED: code robustness (much harder to break things with unexpected
# FIXED: improved CSS in the extension skin files, allowing theme authors
to skin the pref dialog and the New Tab button more easily
# FIXED: event handler leakage in the Lock Tab backend code
# FIXED: better URL handling for the Lock Tab feature
# FIXED: cross-compatibility between Firefox 1.0.x and Firefox 1.5.x
# FIXED: enabling Lock Tab no longer breaks Alt+clicking for saving files
# FIXED: hitting Enter on the "Get More" links in the EM/TM no longer
opens a new window (instead, it opens two - an unfortunate side effect,
but who uses the Enter key right now?)
For related software, check out: http://www.arjan.org/?
Kind regards,
Overview :
This extension provides a comprehensive UI for changing a number of the
hidden tabbed browsing preferences in Firefox. It also provides the
ability to control how internal and external links are opened in the
browser and how the browser will react when links are sent to it. This
extension was originally authored by Chris Cook, but he no longer has the
time to maintain it and has permitted me to take over maintainership of
TBP. The extension is currently licensed under the Tri-Licence. This
extension fully supports locales, and contains the following locales: cs-
CZ, de-DE, en-US, it-IT, ko-KR, nb-NO, nl-NL, pt-BR, sl-SI, zh-CN, zh-TW.
If anyone wishes to localize TBP for other locales, please contact me and
I will incorporate your locale into TBP. See the locale page for more
information. The features offered by TBP are as follows: open URLs in the
URL bar and searches from the search bar in new tabs * open the homepage
in every newly created tab * select tabs by moving the mouse onto them,
instead of clicking on them * moving the tabbar to the bottom of the
browser window * opening URLs from the Extension/Theme Manager and the
Help window in new tabs * opening the throbber in a new tab * control the
focusing/unfocusing of various tab-creating functions, such as the File->
New Tab command * per-tab locking, to force left-clicked links to open in
new tabs * compatibility with Tab Clicking Options * ability to drag and
drop URLs on the new tab button on the tab bar * ability to control
focusing of newly created tabs * ability to divert URLs away from popup
windows (still under development).
These settings are now accessed through a preference panel in the Options
dialog, located at Tools->Options (Windows) or Edit->Preferences (Linux).
The last feature listed above is still under development, and is only
available in TBP 1.2.7 and later. To enable it, the hidden preference
extensions.tabprefs.divertPopupLinks can be changed to either the value 1
or the value 2 - the former value causes TBP to divert all left-clicked
links inside popup windows into normal Firefox windows, sans JavaScript
links, while the latter value only does so for links with target
attributes. Be warned that this feature may cause breakage; if it does,
please let me know.
What's New:
# NEW: the New Tab button can be dragged onto a tab to clear it
# NEW: in Firefox 1.5, tabs can be dropped on the Close Tab button to
close them
# NEW: selecting tabs on mouseover now configurable in pref dialogs
# NEW: newly created blank tabs can be focused/unfocused, and this can be
controlled from the pref dialogs
# NEW: tabs loaded by clicking on links in the EM, TM, and Help Browser
are focused only if browser.tabs.loadInBackground is false
# FIXED: the URL bar is properly restored when opening URLs from it in
new tabs
# FIXED: Ctrl and Alt both work in the URL bar and search bar
# FIXED: tab focusing issues in the homepage-in-new-tab functions
# FIXED: coding issues (unwanted errors due to missing functions,
uncaught exceptions, etc).
# FIXED: code robustness (much harder to break things with unexpected
# FIXED: improved CSS in the extension skin files, allowing theme authors
to skin the pref dialog and the New Tab button more easily
# FIXED: event handler leakage in the Lock Tab backend code
# FIXED: better URL handling for the Lock Tab feature
# FIXED: cross-compatibility between Firefox 1.0.x and Firefox 1.5.x
# FIXED: enabling Lock Tab no longer breaks Alt+clicking for saving files
# FIXED: hitting Enter on the "Get More" links in the EM/TM no longer
opens a new window (instead, it opens two - an unfortunate side effect,
but who uses the Enter key right now?)
For related software, check out: http://www.arjan.org/?
Kind regards,