Updat time on real time


Elisha Dvir

I am running a PPT presentation, which broadcast
information in cable TV system. This presentation runs in
loop all week long. I would like every slide on it to
display the current date and time.
If I use the option "Insert date and time..." and check
the option "Update automatically", every slide will
display the launching time of the presentation, rather
then the current computer clock time. So after a while it
displays the wrong time. Is there a way to work around
this problem?

Elisha Dvir

Thank you very much. It is working fine.
Is there any way to display the weekday in Hebrew?


If your system is configured to display weekdays in Hebrew, AutoDateTime
add-in will display the weekday in it. Do the following:
1. Select "Start" | "Settings" | "Control Panel" menu item.
2. Launch "Regional Options" applet.
3. In the "General" tab, make sure the system is configured to read and
write in "Hebrew" and select the "locale" accordingly.
4. Click OK.

Now, AutoDateTime should display the weekday in Hebrew. Let me know how it
goes. I have tried these steps for German and it works for me.

- Chirag

PowerShow - View multiple shows simultaneously

Lloyd Lindsay


I too installed the add-in.

My question is this:

If I set the add-in to display the current date and time on my PPT
presentation, will it work when I run the presentation on a computer
that doesn't have the Powerpoint add-in?

Does it make any difference whether I saved my presentation as a *.ppt
or *.pps file and run it on a computer without the add-in?

Using a computer with only a PPT viewer, will it work with a PPT file
saved using the add-in to display the current date and time?


The updates to the date and time are done by the add-in. So, it needs to be
present on the machine where the presentation runs.

*.ppt and *.pps files are same except for their default behavior while
opening the file.

Add-ins use VBA to perform the tasks. PPT Viewer doesn't support VBA - so
add-in features won't be available in PPT Viewer.

- Chirag

PowerShow - View multiple shows simultaneously

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