Unwanted Mapped Drives

  • Thread starter Thread starter XTJohn
  • Start date Start date


We have a PC running Windows XP in a Domain environment, and it has all its
updates. This user needs access to 5 folders on the server, and has drive
mappings to them using v,w,x,y,and z. What's been happening on this machine
is phantom mapped drives are filling up the available spaces in between...
g-u, typically they are pointing to the same shared folder, they'll display
as being 'disconnected' (and thus unremovable); though the folder is
accessible. I had recreated the profile for this user, and things worked fine
for several days, now they're back. We are all scratching out heads over this
one. The desired mappings v-z are all available and working fine. The user is
not having any other issues on this PC, and is used to ignoring the
'disconnected' drives. We're just baffled by this one... Since this first
started, 2 more additional pc's are experiencing the same thing.
XTJohn said:
We have a PC running Windows XP in a Domain environment, and it has all
updates. This user needs access to 5 folders on the server, and has drive
mappings to them using v,w,x,y,and z. What's been happening on this
is phantom mapped drives are filling up the available spaces in between...
g-u, typically they are pointing to the same shared folder, they'll
as being 'disconnected' (and thus unremovable); though the folder is
accessible. I had recreated the profile for this user, and things worked
for several days, now they're back. We are all scratching out heads over
one. The desired mappings v-z are all available and working fine. The user
not having any other issues on this PC, and is used to ignoring the
'disconnected' drives. We're just baffled by this one... Since this first
started, 2 more additional pc's are experiencing the same thing.

You did not report how you're creating your standard
drive mappings. The preferred method is to use a logon
script rather than relying on remembered connections,
e.g. like so:

@echo off
net use * /del /yes
net use persistent:no
net use X: \\YourServer\Share1
net use Y: \\YourServer\Share2

Lines 2 and 3 need to be executed just once in order to
clean up remembered settings.
These were mappings that were set up at each computer about 2-3 years ago
(Through My computer, Map Netowrk drives, and yes it's checked to reconnect).
They've been working fine all this time; the issue just started a couple of
weeks ago. Only one of the mapped drives repeats itself into the 'Phantom'
drives. And though they appear as disconnected, they are accessable by double
clicking on them. I originally thought there must be an app doing this in the
background, but now that it's spread to other computers, I've ruled that out.
I have the same issue. . . . maine started RIGHT after the last set of
AUTOMATED MS Security updates. I posted my request for help earlier , and
her is what we got so far. . . ..

You can see all responces ( none have worked so far ) as posts by "My Bosss

I have a problem with several winxpsp2 clients on a w2k3 domain. All drive
letters from F: to Z: are mapped to the same server share and are labelled as
diconected but still access the same share mostly that is the first share
gets mapped to all other drive letters.

I've seen the same thing since the start of the month. We have a small
shop with 150 users/computers, all on a Win 2003 Std R2 and all
updates/sp's and even tried all of the MS Hot fixes related to this,
even the ones you have to request.

Strange thing is that it's not machine specific, once it happens it will
always happen to the same user on the same machine, but other users that
might use that machine may not experience it.

Disjoining the computers from the domain, creating a new account, does
not resolve it. The Security event log often shows a logon failure, but
the user is still permitted to login and even their logon script, that
deletes all mapped drives and remaps them, runs fine without error.

This is really annoying and time consuming.

If the users double click on the disconnected share they can still
access it, and then pressing F5 (refresh) shows it's connected again,
until later that day or the next day.


- Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.
- Calling an illegal alien an "undocumented worker" is like calling a
drug dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist"
(e-mail address removed) (remove 999 for proper email address)
you can find my thread here at:

Subject: Shows drives f to z as disconnected 12/16/2007 4:32 PM PST
Glad to know I'm not alone in this one! If you Google this issue... there's
not alot of help out there. I'm hoping we can get an answer once and for all!
btw... ours started about the same time as yours; we were wondering if an
update had caused it.
Have you tried to setup mapdrivesthrough a login script, instead of a
manual mapping each cpu?

I'm Having the same issues as every one else, We ARE using login
scripts. The same as Leythos reported.
Jimbo said:
I'm Having the same issues as every one else, We ARE using login
scripts. The same as Leythos reported.

Prevent remembered connections:
net use * /del
net use /persistent:no
Prevent remembered connections:
net use * /del
net use /persistent:no

Tried that but the connected user drives from AD are still not
connecting, the others seem to be for now.
Jimbo said:
Tried that but the connected user drives from AD are still not
connecting, the others seem to be for now.

Have another look at my very first reply. It consisted of
two steps:
a) Knocking out the persisten connections, and
b) Establishing share connections with a logon script.

Mapped connections won't happen by themselves after
you've turned of persistency!