(Unsuccessfully!) Unhiding Rows in Excel 2003



I am perplexed!

I think am typically decently savvy when it comes to Excel, and can
usually find an answer to any issue I run across on Microsoft or via
this Usenet group, but this one really has me at loss!

I have a large workbook which contains a worksheet of raw data, among
other things. There are approximately 3000+ lines or data in the
worksheet currently. In the process of updating the data this
afternoon, without touching anything having to remotely do with hiding
rows, a good portion of my rows went into hidden status.

No problem! I'll just unhide them!


I can unhide them, one at a time, but with approximately 1/3 of my 3000
data points hidden, that will take a good portion of my precious time!

This is what I've tried, with no luck:

1. Selecting the entire worksheet and going to Format --> Row -->
2. Doing Ctrl-A (twice) and selecting Format --> Row --> Unhide
3. Selecting the entire worksheet and going to Format --> Row -->
Height and giving the rows a standard height (in case they were set to
zero height)
4. Selecting the rows directly above and below the hidden row(s) and
right-clicking to Unhide it.
5. Selecting the row just below the hidden row(s) and right-clicking to
Unhide it.
6. Selecting the row just above the hidden row(s) and right-clicking to
Unhide it.
7. Repeating 5 & 6 but went through the Format menu to Unhide.
8. Selecting only the rows containing the hidden data and
right-clicking to Unhide it.
9. #8, but through the Format menu to Unhide.

(Yes, I like to be thorough!)

I'm using Excel 2003 SP1.

I would just exit out of Excel to before the "burp" happened, but I had
entered a ton of new data into the worksheet and was preparing to save
everything back up to our Sharepoint site when everything went nuts. I
can unhide by doing 1 row at a time, like I mentioned. I may just
unhide the rows for the data I entered since last save and put it in a
temp file, cancel out, reopen the workbook and paste everything back in
if I can't get this little issue figured out soon. I'm curious, though,
and would like to figure it out in case I run into it again down the
road. :)

Thanks in advance for your assistance!!

Kirsten Lynch



Maybe the row height has been set very small. Select the whole sheet and try
setting the row height to 12 - or something!

Hope this helps.


Hi Andy!

I've already tried that. (See #3) :) It didn't work.

Thanks for the suggestion though!!



did you try
selecting all
<format><row><height> and
setting a value

<data><filter>< select>
verify that autofilter is off
(I have had autofilter start up without me telling it to. to the best of my
recollection anyway. It did not have the arrows on the top row.)


addtionally, try to select all and copy to a new sheet in a new workbook.

It really sounds like you have a corrupted file.


Whoo! It was the autofilter!

I had gone through previously and checked the filters individually to
make sure they weren't on (since we use them quite extensively to look
at data in different ways as we complete analysis each month), but I
hadn't turned them completely off. Once I turned them off, and then
back on, everything reappeared.

Thank's a bunch! Now I know the pesky autofilter trick. ;)



I agree that there is probably something weird going on! It is an
analysis tool with probably a good 20-30 worksheets in it, plus macros,
so I will have to see about getting some project time to try and switch
things over into a new workbook. :)

Thanks again!


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