Unreleased Hotfix Needed


Steve Nielsen

You need to go back to the link and read what it says. It's all
explained there that the hotfix may need further testing before public
release and clearly states:

"The usual support costs will apply to additional support questions and
issues that do not qualify for the specific update in question."


George Hester

It is Microsoft's way of discouraging these "fixes" getting out in the wild. Seems to work pretty well as your question is always asked round here. The answer is you call Microsoft's 1-800 number for IT Professionals state your name and the article number (831128). If you have to hold your hands over your ears until you are ready to say why you are calling do that. The receptionist will scratch their heads and as soon as you say what I just told you to say, you will find how very courteous and helpful Microsoft can be. $ should never come up. It won't cause you had your hands over your ears and I doubt you are ever going to mention $. That would be a blunder.

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