Unregister COM-Add-In


Oskar Vaia


i have build an Outlook COM-Add-In with VB.NET. It works fine.
Now i want to unregister the COM-Add-In. How can i effort this?
It is not possible to do this with the Outlook-COM-Add-In-diaologbox because
the COM-Add-In was build for "all users" and not only for "the current
user", so the key was registered in the HKLM.



Paul Bobrowski

The AddinNameAndPath should be the full path and name of the Addin-dll. ex.
c:\program files\myAddin\myAddin.dll

If you are unable to unregister the Addin-dll due to possible changes to the
interface due to a recompile and such, you can fire up regedit and do a
search for the Addin's name. Delete any folders containing it which appear
to be dll registration related. You should have 3 different folders if my
memory servers me correctly.

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