Unread message folder


Richard M.

On another PC that I run Outlook on, there is an 'Unread Mail' folders
in My Favorites folder. It contains a copy of all unread mail in
Inbox sub-folders and each email disappears from this folder after I
read it. How do I set that feature up.

Patricia Cardoza - [MVP Outlook]

For the machine that doesn't have this folder, is it Outlook 2003? If not,
it won't have that feature.

Patricia Cardoza
Outlook MVP

Author, Special Edition Using Microsoft Outlook 2003
Author, Absolute Beginner's Guide to OneNote 2003

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Richard M.

Both have 2003. My laptop, which is in the shop, has this feature,
while my desktop pc does not.

Richard M.

Patricia Cardoza - [MVP Outlook]

Interesting. On the machine that doesn't have the feature, do you see any
Search Folders? The search folders are Unread Mail, For Follow Up and Large

You can try starting Outlook with the /resetnavpane switch. From the command
line type outlook.exe /resetnavpane

Sometimes that can rebuild the folders.

Patricia Cardoza
Outlook MVP

Author, Special Edition Using Microsoft Outlook 2003
Author, Absolute Beginner's Guide to OneNote 2003

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Richard M.

Got it.... If you right-click on Search Folders, it gives you options
for adding New Search Folders, Unread Mail being one of them. I then
added Unread Mail to Favorites.


Richard M.

Harry T


Did you mean the 'Find' button, or basically right click
on any button, and use 'customize'? I can't seem to find
the Unread button.

Richard M.

On the left side of your screen, under ALL MAIL FOLDERS, there is an
item called 'Search Folders'. Right click on that and you get an
option called 'New search folder'. Click on that and you will see an
option to add Unread mail. I think this is a feature of Outlook 2003
and not previous versions. Not sure.

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