Steamed Vegetable Dish
This dish provides for nutrition, low fat, and easy digestion because the
vegetables are un-rough and hydrated. The steamed vegetable dish consists of
the following ingredients:
1. carrots (4 carrots)
2. cauliflower (1/4 flower)
3. broccoli (1 stalk; florets only)
4. celery (2 stalks)
5. beans (handful)
6. mushrooms (1/4 carton)
7. zucchini (1)
8. yellow squash (1 to 2)
9. sweet potato (1)
10. Idaho/Russet potato (1)
11. Irish potato (1)
Each of the ingredients is sliced between 1/4" to 1/2". A paring knife is
used for slicing 1 through 8 and a mandoline for slicing 9 through 11. The
vegetables steam in an 8-quart steamer for 1 hour (steamer 1/2 full of water;
water already at a steam). Each vegetable is washed, but it's steamed in its
My taste buds began enjoying the steamed vegetables' flavor after three
meals. The sliced sweet potato contributes much to the flavor of the dish; I
find that the vegetables' flavors are enhanced when served with salt/pepper
and margarine. The dish serves well with toast & margarine, grapefruit juice,
and skim milk.
The steamer is a large 8-quart steamer with colander from Chef's Catalog;
Williams-Sonoma also has such a steamer. The colander can produce sufficient
leftovers for two days. The steamed vegetables store very well in the
refrigerator in a sealed bowl for at least several days. The vegetables
re-heat well in a covered bowl in the microwave on high for three minutes.
The raw vegetables (except the potatoes) keep fresh in sealed storage bags in
the refrigerator.
1. Each vegetable is listed in the order that it's placed into the
colander of the steamer.
2. I've used a serrated knife for slicing the potatoes rather than the
mandoline. However, I find cutting the potatoes into thirds with a knife and
slicing them using the mandoline is easier, especially the hard sweet
3. Blue Bonnet Lower Fat margarine contains only 1 saturated fat gram.
This dish provides for nutrition, low fat, and easy digestion because the
vegetables are un-rough and hydrated. The steamed vegetable dish consists of
the following ingredients:
1. carrots (4 carrots)
2. cauliflower (1/4 flower)
3. broccoli (1 stalk; florets only)
4. celery (2 stalks)
5. beans (handful)
6. mushrooms (1/4 carton)
7. zucchini (1)
8. yellow squash (1 to 2)
9. sweet potato (1)
10. Idaho/Russet potato (1)
11. Irish potato (1)
Each of the ingredients is sliced between 1/4" to 1/2". A paring knife is
used for slicing 1 through 8 and a mandoline for slicing 9 through 11. The
vegetables steam in an 8-quart steamer for 1 hour (steamer 1/2 full of water;
water already at a steam). Each vegetable is washed, but it's steamed in its
My taste buds began enjoying the steamed vegetables' flavor after three
meals. The sliced sweet potato contributes much to the flavor of the dish; I
find that the vegetables' flavors are enhanced when served with salt/pepper
and margarine. The dish serves well with toast & margarine, grapefruit juice,
and skim milk.
The steamer is a large 8-quart steamer with colander from Chef's Catalog;
Williams-Sonoma also has such a steamer. The colander can produce sufficient
leftovers for two days. The steamed vegetables store very well in the
refrigerator in a sealed bowl for at least several days. The vegetables
re-heat well in a covered bowl in the microwave on high for three minutes.
The raw vegetables (except the potatoes) keep fresh in sealed storage bags in
the refrigerator.
1. Each vegetable is listed in the order that it's placed into the
colander of the steamer.
2. I've used a serrated knife for slicing the potatoes rather than the
mandoline. However, I find cutting the potatoes into thirds with a knife and
slicing them using the mandoline is easier, especially the hard sweet
3. Blue Bonnet Lower Fat margarine contains only 1 saturated fat gram.