uninstalling windows 2000 professional after installing win xp



While using Windows 200 pro I had problems that led me to
reinstalling win 2000 pro. I recently bought and installed
Windows xp and all systems are working fine. However, at
startup, it appears that I still have two copies of Windows
2000 Pro on my computer along with the xp.I want to
eleminate the Windows 2000 pro copies to free space on my

How can i do this and what effect would it have on my XP OS.

Pegasus \(MVP\)

While using Windows 200 pro I had problems that led me to
reinstalling win 2000 pro. I recently bought and installed
Windows xp and all systems are working fine. However, at
startup, it appears that I still have two copies of Windows
2000 Pro on my computer along with the xp.I want to
eleminate the Windows 2000 pro copies to free space on my

How can i do this and what effect would it have on my XP OS.

Check the contents of the hidden file c:\boot.ini to find out
where Win2000 is installed, then rename and later on
delete the Win2000 folder.

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