Uninstall 98 after XP upgrade



I recently upgraded to XP. It said it made a backup of 98. I'm pleased with XP and want to free up disk space by uninstalling 98. Nowhere can I figure out how to do that

In the Taskbar was a program that looked like an uninstaller, but it would not run for whatever reason. In my Windows folder are 31 sub-folders named $NTUNINSTALL... (I never had NT either)

So, how do I remove my old operating system to free up needed disk space? (Add/Remove Programs doesn't even list it)

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


Open Windows Explorer, delete any remnants of the Win98 installation. Might
find an undo.dat file to remove.

Thje $NtUninstallQxxxxxx$ folders are backups created by installing files
from Windows Update and have nothing to do with Win98. They are there in
case you wish to uninstall an update. They can be safely deleted if you have
no intention of ever doing so.

If space is of crucial concern to you, you may want to consider adding a
hard drive to the system. WinXP will expand in size with use, and certain
system functions like defrag require at least a minimum of 15% free space on
the drive. Paging and hiberate functions can shew up hard drive space in a
hurry. Running on limited space can inhibit proper function.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

Slower Pace said:
I recently upgraded to XP. It said it made a backup of 98. I'm pleased
with XP and want to free up disk space by uninstalling 98. Nowhere can I
figure out how to do that!
In the Taskbar was a program that looked like an uninstaller, but it would
not run for whatever reason. In my Windows folder are 31 sub-folders named
$NTUNINSTALL... (I never had NT either).
So, how do I remove my old operating system to free up needed disk space?
(Add/Remove Programs doesn't even list it)

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