Windows XP Home, service pack 3. Classic folders view.
When I open Windows Explorer I am unable to see the Path / In Folder detail.
I can see Name, Size, Type, Date Modified, and when I right click I'm
presented with a popup list of additional details I might want to see, but
no Path / In Folder option.
What am I missing here? Have I accidentally disabled some setting?
By the way, Search works OK- I see the results with the In Folder (Path)
detail, so why not in Explorer?
When I open Windows Explorer I am unable to see the Path / In Folder detail.
I can see Name, Size, Type, Date Modified, and when I right click I'm
presented with a popup list of additional details I might want to see, but
no Path / In Folder option.
What am I missing here? Have I accidentally disabled some setting?
By the way, Search works OK- I see the results with the In Folder (Path)
detail, so why not in Explorer?