Unable to remove OutlookExprs and WinMsngr

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I am using Windows XP Professional.

I am unable to remove Outlook Express and Windows Messenger.

I don't have the CheckBox for the above applications
in Control Panel->Add or Remove Programs->Add/Remove Windows Components

What should I do to remove them?
You cannot remove Outlook Express or Windows Messenger
from Windows XP since both programs are considered critical
components of the operating system.

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User



| I am using Windows XP Professional.
| I am unable to remove Outlook Express and Windows Messenger.
| I don't have the CheckBox for the above applications
| in Control Panel->Add or Remove Programs->Add/Remove Windows Components
| What should I do to remove them?
Wow Carey...once again you prove that you have no idea what the hell you are
talking about. If Windows Messenger is such a critical component, then why
have I been able to run XP on my system for years with it removed?
Read your own reference from

"In none of the cases below is Messenger actually 'removed'
from the system. You can hide it, prevent it from starting,
disguise it, and fool the system into thinking it's not available -
but it isn't removed. It's still on the computer and a part of the
operating system."

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User



| Wow Carey...once again you prove that you have no idea what the hell you are
| talking about. If Windows Messenger is such a critical component, then why
| have I been able to run XP on my system for years with it removed?
| --
| JaReD
Well, that link will make it to where Messenger will no longer rear it's
ugly head...manually deleting the messenger folder will finish the trick.