Unable to open files.



I have Microsoft Office Excel 2003 and using Windows Vista. When I copied the
files from my old computer I had a lot of files with extension *.qpw. I am
trying to open these and receive "file is not valid". I no longer have the
other program since my old computer hard drive is corrupted. Is there anyway
I can convert these?

David Biddulph

Another option which might be worth trying, if that fails, is to see whether
you can open the qpw files in "Open Office", and save from there in Excel


When I do this procedure the following happens;
1. Opens Excel
2. Microsoft Office has stopped working.
3. Block stating to close program.
4. Close program.
5. Open Excel from Sesktop.
6. Shows block that reads: "fileconv[1].xla [Original], Document Recovery
{Last saved by user 8:44AM, Friday, April 20, 2007}, Document Recovery has
recovered the following files. Save the ones you wish to keep."
7. Try to open the file and receive: " unable to read file".
8. Try to save the file and receive: "unable to read file".
As to the other post I am not sure what you mean by [open qpw files in
"Open Office"].

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