I am using an ASP page to insert a record to Access and it is not working. It
appears that the SQL is trying to open the database (based on the file date
and time stamp) but it is not inserting the record. I am not getting any
error messages.
Below is the code from the form handler:
If request.form("FirstName")="" then
End If
<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache>
<meta http-equiv=" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" Content-Type">
<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
<title>Send Registration to Database & Email</title>
Please be patient while your registration is being processed (Do not hit the
back key).......<P>
'// The ParseBody function is used to replace Chr(13)
'// with HTML so that it will display correctly on the
'// confirmation page.
Function ParseBody(strText)
strText = Replace(strText, Chr(13), "<br>")
ParseBody = strText
End Function
'// Send results to the database
'// This portion of the page sends the information
'// from the form to the Requirements database.
'Set up the variables
Dim myConnString
Dim myConnection
strFirstName = request.form("FirstName")
strLastName = request.form("LastName")
'Assign a value to the connection string variable.
myConnString = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" &
Server.MapPath("../../mutable/2005_Conf.mdb") & ";"
'Create a new database connection
Set myConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
'Open the connection created above using the connection string
'stored in the conf_ConnectionString variable in the
'global.asa file.
myConnection.Open myConnString
'Strip Single Quotes
strLastName = Replace(strLastName, "'", "''")
strFirstName = Replace(strFirstName, "'", "''")
'Assign a SQL string based upon what was submitted from the form
SQL= "INSERT INTO tblReservations"
SQL= SQL & "VALUES ('" & Request.Form("RegType") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("confMem") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("confFee") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("MealFee") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Social") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("SocialFee") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Game") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("GameFee") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Grade") & "','"
SQL= SQL & strFirstName & "'"
SQL= SQL & ",'" & strLastName & "'"
SQL= SQL & ",'" & Request.Form("SSAN") & "'"
SQL= SQL & ",'" & Request.Form("Unit") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Base") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("DutyStatus") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("DSNPhone") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("EmailNIPR") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("EmailSIPR") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Arrival") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Departure") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Breakout_1") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Breakout_2") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Breakout_3") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Breakout_4") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Breakout_5") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Breakout_6") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Breakout_7") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Breakout_8") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("AFPC") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Banquet") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Award") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("BanquetGuest1") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("qbeef") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("qchicken") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("qveg") & "')"
myConnection.Execute SQL
I'm using Dreamweaver 2004 MX and ACCESS 2003 on a Windows XP machine.
appears that the SQL is trying to open the database (based on the file date
and time stamp) but it is not inserting the record. I am not getting any
error messages.
Below is the code from the form handler:
If request.form("FirstName")="" then
End If
<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache>
<meta http-equiv=" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" Content-Type">
<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
<title>Send Registration to Database & Email</title>
Please be patient while your registration is being processed (Do not hit the
back key).......<P>
'// The ParseBody function is used to replace Chr(13)
'// with HTML so that it will display correctly on the
'// confirmation page.
Function ParseBody(strText)
strText = Replace(strText, Chr(13), "<br>")
ParseBody = strText
End Function
'// Send results to the database
'// This portion of the page sends the information
'// from the form to the Requirements database.
'Set up the variables
Dim myConnString
Dim myConnection
strFirstName = request.form("FirstName")
strLastName = request.form("LastName")
'Assign a value to the connection string variable.
myConnString = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" &
Server.MapPath("../../mutable/2005_Conf.mdb") & ";"
'Create a new database connection
Set myConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
'Open the connection created above using the connection string
'stored in the conf_ConnectionString variable in the
'global.asa file.
myConnection.Open myConnString
'Strip Single Quotes
strLastName = Replace(strLastName, "'", "''")
strFirstName = Replace(strFirstName, "'", "''")
'Assign a SQL string based upon what was submitted from the form
SQL= "INSERT INTO tblReservations"
SQL= SQL & "VALUES ('" & Request.Form("RegType") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("confMem") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("confFee") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("MealFee") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Social") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("SocialFee") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Game") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("GameFee") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Grade") & "','"
SQL= SQL & strFirstName & "'"
SQL= SQL & ",'" & strLastName & "'"
SQL= SQL & ",'" & Request.Form("SSAN") & "'"
SQL= SQL & ",'" & Request.Form("Unit") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Base") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("DutyStatus") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("DSNPhone") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("EmailNIPR") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("EmailSIPR") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Arrival") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Departure") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Breakout_1") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Breakout_2") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Breakout_3") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Breakout_4") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Breakout_5") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Breakout_6") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Breakout_7") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Breakout_8") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("AFPC") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Banquet") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("Award") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("BanquetGuest1") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("qbeef") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("qchicken") & "','"
SQL= SQL & Request.Form("qveg") & "')"
myConnection.Execute SQL
I'm using Dreamweaver 2004 MX and ACCESS 2003 on a Windows XP machine.