UDF needed



Hello Folks,

This project I'm working on needs one more UDF and I'm all set. Thank you
so much everyone who has helped me with this. The example file can be found


Here's what I have:
Sheet1: This is my source data that I receive as an excel export from
another program

Sheet2: This sheet uses the udf that is already in the workbook that pulls
the total time for each day for each employee

Sheet3: This is the one I need help with. I need to somehow pull the amount
of time each employee was at lunch for each day (I'm looking for a udf
similar to the one used in sheet 2, at least in the same format)

The problem I'm running into for sheet three is that some employees don't
take lunches, so they won't have an "at lunch" time entry in the source data
(an example of this would be row 26, next to the word "state" it doesn't have
an "at lunch" entry) so if this happens I need the lunch time to be 0:00

Another problem is that if the employee didn't come in for a day they won't
have any entry at all in the source data (example would be 11/5/2005 for
employee 1, which would have been on row 79 if the employee had been in) and
in this case I need the lunch time to show 0:00

If the employee did work that day, and they did take a lunch (example would
be row 114) I need to display the time they were at lunch (example, cell
H114) in the corresponding cell on sheet 3

Could anyone make a udf that I could drag down and across on sheet three for
me that does this? If it could work like the udf on sheet 2 that would be
awesome. If you have any questions for me or need more information just ask
on this post and I'll reply asap.

Thank you SO much!

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