Time Calculated minus breaks & lunch

Mar 10, 2016
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I need help in figuring out how to calculate hours worked by subtracting breaks and lunch. Shifts start at 6am and end at 2:15. Breaks are at 8 & 10am. Lunch is 30 minutes at noon. This is being used to track production so I could have several StartTime & EndTimes in the same day. I need to be able to automatically extract the break(s) and lunch time IF it falls within the break/lunch time.
For example:
StartTime = 6:00am EndTime =8:30am --- TotalTime =2 hours 20 minutes (2.33 in decimal) due to the 10 minute break at 8am.
StartTime = 8:30am EndTime = 10:00pm ---TotalTime = 1 hour 30 minutes (1.5 in decimal) due to no break or lunch time.

Any ideas?
They are paid breaks but I am calculating production so pay is not a factor. I need to remove the break time (as if it was not being paid) so I can have a true calculation of units/minute. So:
StartTime=6:00 EndTime=8:30 --- TotalTime would be 2:20 (2:30 minus 10 minute break) to equal 2.33 in decimal form
