UAC ~ Administator Privelages



I have a few programs that I gave administrator privelages to, thinking that
UAC will no longer ask me about them. One of the programs is blocked on
startup. I don't want to have to allow these programs every time. Is there a
setting where only programs with administrator privelages will be ignored by

Jose Tavares

Every time (if you use UAC) you must allow programs to have administrator
You can also disable UAC and Vista turns like Windows XP


Mike said:
I have a few programs that I gave administrator privelages to, thinking
UAC will no longer ask me about them. One of the programs is blocked on
startup. I don't want to have to allow these programs every time. Is there
setting where only programs with administrator privelages will be ignored

No. Any program that runs at startup that is asking for admin privileges
will be blocked until you give permission for it. See this link.

Error message when you reach the Windows Vista Desktop: "Windows has blocked
some startup programs"


I couldn't deal with UAC at first and turned it off but that isn't a good fix
because the IE then runs unprotected. I found this tweak here and it seems to
give me the best of all worlds.

If you go into the Local Security Policy MMC under Administrative Tools in
the control panel, browse to Local Policies and click on Security Options,
and then change the option labeled "User Account Control: Behavior of the
elevation prompt for administrators in Admin Approval Mode" to "Elevate
Without Prompting", then UAC will behave like this:

- Programs that are marked as requiring admin privileges will automatically
run with admin
- Programs that are NOT marked as needing admin privs will NOT receive admin

So, you will still run into circumstances where you will have to work around
UAC (i.e. where a program requires admin permissions but it is not marked as
such), but this gives you the best of both worlds.

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