Two operating systems on one pc, one too many!



Windows xp home edition....installed a new hard drive, it came with xp on it,
reinstalled xp from my xp given the option of choosing which one
when pc is started.....How do I delete one operating system? The one I want
to delete (the one that came on the new drive) has not completely
installed....and two operating systems are causing slow, sluggish actions.

thanking you in advance.....

Carey Frisch [MVP]

I have two installations of XP on the same partition (Topic #20)

[Courtesy of MS-MVP Michael Stevens]

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User
Microsoft Newsgroups

Be Smart! Protect Your PC!



| Windows xp home edition....installed a new hard drive, it came with xp on it,
| reinstalled xp from my xp given the option of choosing which one
| when pc is started.....How do I delete one operating system? The one I want
| to delete (the one that came on the new drive) has not completely
| installed....and two operating systems are causing slow, sluggish actions.
| thanking you in advance.....


Thank you Carey.....since I'm not a "command line" person, it was scary, but
it seems to have worked, thank you!

Now, I have one additional problem that I don't know if anyone can help me
with.....we have gone through 2 hard drives in the last few
months.....son-music-downloads (scream) now activiation will NOT accept
the product key because the program has been downloaded so many
there any way to get around this without having to purchase another
WindowsXP? It's a "count down" on so many days left for activiation and at
the end of that time I don't know what happens.....also my word/excel, etc.
only lets you open the program so many times and it's counting down.....hope
you can help!


Thank you for your prompt reply and "it's working!"

Now, I have one additional problem - we've had to get two new hard drives in
the past few months - son,music,downloads (scream) it will not recognize
the product key because of too many installations, even though they were all
on the same computer - the days are running down and I don't know what
happens when it runs out - also word, excel, etc. only allows you to open
them so many times and it's also counting down. Is there any way to get
around this without having to purchase new WindowsXP ?

Colin Barnhorst

What happened when you continued on with the activation wizard and called
the phone number on the screen? If you did not do that, then go back and
redo the activation. You will interact with a voice system and may be
transferred to a live operator, but you will get it done.

Colin Barnhorst [MVP Windows - Virtual Machine]
(Reply to the group only unless otherwise requested)
Minnesota Judy said:
Thank you Carey.....since I'm not a "command line" person, it was scary,
it seems to have worked, thank you!

Now, I have one additional problem that I don't know if anyone can help me
with.....we have gone through 2 hard drives in the last few
months.....son-music-downloads (scream) now activiation will NOT
the product key because the program has been downloaded so many
there any way to get around this without having to purchase another
WindowsXP? It's a "count down" on so many days left for activiation and
the end of that time I don't know what happens.....also my word/excel,
only lets you open the program so many times and it's counting
you can help!

Carey Frisch said:
I have two installations of XP on the same partition (Topic #20)

[Courtesy of MS-MVP Michael Stevens]

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User
Microsoft Newsgroups

Be Smart! Protect Your PC!



| Windows xp home edition....installed a new hard drive, it came with xp
on it,
| reinstalled xp from my xp given the option of choosing which
| when pc is started.....How do I delete one operating system? The one I
| to delete (the one that came on the new drive) has not completely
| installed....and two operating systems are causing slow, sluggish
| thanking you in advance.....

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