two lines of text in single row



How do I enter two lines of text in a single row - w/o merging cells?
Ok if the text spreads across adjacent columns.
Currently, if I turn off wrap text, both lines stay on one line with a pipe
symbol. If I turn on wrap text, the text tries to wrap in the single cell.
I can't expand the cell to accomodate all the text.


SteveB said:
How do I enter two lines of text in a single row - w/o merging cells?
Ok if the text spreads across adjacent columns.
Currently, if I turn off wrap text, both lines stay on one line with a pipe
symbol. If I turn on wrap text, the text tries to wrap in the single cell.
I can't expand the cell to accomodate all the text.


If I understand your problem correctly then turn off word wrap. Enter
your text into the left most cell and when you come to where you want
the second line to start use "Alt-Enter" and keep typing. Excel will
recognize the Alt-Enter as a CRLF within that one cell and format it as
two lines that extend to the right as far as necessary (unless you have
another active cell off to the right somewhere).

Good luck....


Gord Dibben


Type a line then ALT + ENTER, type another line then ENTER.

ALT + ENTER is a carriage return in-cell.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

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