How to control row height and text wrap in non-merged cell ???



When add text in non-merged cell and select wrap-text format, some cells
'snap' to the end of the text, some cells go to the single line height and
cut off rest of wrapped text, and some cells extend beyond the end of the
wrapped text for a line or more.
How to control non-merged text cells for height/size to show all wrapped
text (with much less than max text allowed in cell), and not more or less
than actual full wrapped text height, without 'macros', 'vba code', etc ?

Earl Kiosterud


When you've formatted for text wrapping, it normally automatically increases the row height
to accomodate the extra lines of text in the cell. But if you've manually adjusted the
height of that row, then the automatic height thing doesn't happen, and the remaining text
gets cut off if there isn't enough row height. Which part of the text is not displayed is
controlled by the vertical alignment format. This can also happen when you've changed the
column width, even if you haven't overridden the auto-height thing by manually adjusting the
height. You can turn the automatic height thing back on with Format - Row - Autofit if
that's what's happening.


Thanks for the reply.
Tried 'format-autofit' for both row and column and bottome of row still does
not 'pop' into place, ie when dbl-click on bottom-left of row line it does
not locate the line at the bottom of the wrapped text.
Have had the problem when the font is different for cells in the same row,
but all cells in row are same font.
Other thoughts ?
Thanks again for your help.

Earl Kiosterud said:

When you've formatted for text wrapping, it normally automatically increases the row height
to accomodate the extra lines of text in the cell. But if you've manually adjusted the
height of that row, then the automatic height thing doesn't happen, and the remaining text
gets cut off if there isn't enough row height. Which part of the text is not displayed is
controlled by the vertical alignment format. This can also happen when you've changed the
column width, even if you haven't overridden the auto-height thing by manually adjusting the
height. You can turn the automatic height thing back on with Format - Row - Autofit if
that's what's happening.

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