Two databases in one



I have a unique (maybe not so unique) need to transfer data from an SQL
Server 2000 table to a table in an Access database, using ADO. This has to
be real time,when the user either opens a form in Access, or clicks on a
command button on that form. I have to bring filtered data (through an SQL
select statement) in from the SQL table and place it in an Access table
using VBA code, so I can use VBA code to perform other actions on the Access
table. How do I handle the opening of the databases and the creating of the
tables and recordsets? Should I create two connection strings to access
both databases, then create separate recordsets for the SQL data and Access
data, and then reference those recordsets? Will Access not get confused?


I'm seeing a SQL Server database and an Access database.
You don't need a separate connection to your current Access db.

So where are these two connections coming from?

Also, could you be a little more specific on these "other actions on the
Access table"?
It may be that you could just use a live table linked to the SQL Server
database, instead of messing with ADO at all.

- Turtle

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