Turn off Download Notification and "Snapshots"




I am running Window Vista Home Premium.

I really, really, want to turn off the download notification that pops up at
the bottom of the screen when a download is finished. It's interfering with
what I'm doing (downloading my class assignments) and preventing me from
doing it easily and quickly. Please do not tell me to try the help menu as I
have already done that. The instructions do not match what is on the start
bar. (Start bar: Tasks: Settings, etc. There is no task option on my start

I would also like to know how turn the "snapshots" off. Sometimes when I
have the programs running and minimized, I get a "snapshot" of what is
minimized when my cursor is over it. This is also interfering with my work.

Thank You.


For #2, right click the toolbar and select Properties. Then deselect "Show
window previews (thumbnails). Click OK.


Oops. Clicked too fast.

For #1, In IE click Tools, Internet Options, Advanced Tab. Scroll down to
Browsing and disable "Notify when downloads complete". I'm not sure but that
may be the one notifying you.


I forgot to mention this: I use Firefox as my default browser not IE. I did
turn off Firefox's because it was annoying too but it wasn't the same
notification as what is appearing. I did turn off the IE box just in case,
though. That had not occurred to me. I think that might have been it; I
tried downloading a couple of items and I don't think it showed up.

Thank you for all of your help. It's greatly appreciated by me!



I downloaded a file today and it appeared again even though the option is
off in Firefox and IE to have the boxes show up. It pops up in the right
most corner of my laptop screen and says all files have been downloaded and
then disappears after several seconds. Does anyone have any suggestions for
how to turn it off?

Thank you.

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