Trying to remove an Ask field



I have a very old template that needs to be updated in Word 2007. It has an
Ask field in it, that prompts for bookmark text, and the users find it
annoying, since it asks for the text every time they update the document. I'd
like to remove the Ask field, but I can't find it. How do you search for a
specific field?
I tried selecting Field on the Special list in the Find dialog box. It
didn't find anything, although there are also date fields in the template,
and it didn't find them either. I tried selecting Field with the text Ask,
and it didn't find anything.
I did not find the help information at all useful, and I'm feeling like I
lost my last brain cell...

Pesach Shelnitz

Hi Lea,

Did you press Alt+F9 to reveal the field codes. If there is an ASK field in
the template, you should then be able to find it by searching for the word
ASK or using the code ^d to search for the next field code.

Peter T. Daniels

It seems you need to have Show Non-Printing Characters (Ctrl-Shift-8)
turned on in order for Word to be able to find Fields (otherwise it
can apparently only see the field results). Find "^d" (without the
quotes) will then find any Field; if the field is called ASK (I'm not
familiar with this field type), then Find "^d ASK" should find the ASK

Stefan Blom

Showing nonprinting marks should only be necessary when you are looking for
*hidden* fields (such as XE and TC). With "non-hidden" fields, showing field
codes (Alt+F9) should do the trick.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

It seems you need to have Show Non-Printing Characters (Ctrl-Shift-8)
turned on in order for Word to be able to find Fields (otherwise it
can apparently only see the field results). Find "^d" (without the
quotes) will then find any Field; if the field is called ASK (I'm not
familiar with this field type), then Find "^d ASK" should find the ASK

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