Trouble playing video/movie clips from PowerPoint


Doc Johnson

I insterted a movie clip that runs on the computer, but not on the LCD
projector. I reduced the resolution to 800 x 600 (lowest it could go),
and then tried higher ones as well. The sound plays, but not the

Is there an optimal format for inserted movie clips -- AVI, MPEG, WMV?

Is there the option of using other player for these clips?


Troy @ TLC Creative

This is a fairly common problem. Check here for lots of good info and
solutions: (use the link to lower graphics
card hardware acceleration)

As for the best format - it is really one that has uses common codecs. If
the movie will only be used on a PC, the .wmv format is probably the best as
it works best with the MCI Player. One of the easiest, and best ways, to
create a .wmv movie with windows standard codecs is to use Austins PFC Media
add-in (

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