Trouble Installing WIndows XP Serivice Pack 1a



I'm currently using Windows XP Home. I want to install a
new 250 gig hard drive I just bought. As I'm sure you
know, if I simply install it as is(and i tried just for
kicks) I will only be able to use 137 gb, rendering the
remaining 123 gb useless. The Windows XP Sevice Pack 1a
for Home edition resolves this problem by allowing my
computer to implement the new 48-bit addressing

I've tried three times now, unsuccessfully to install the
new service pack. Both times the sp seemed to be
installed fine. But then I'm prompted to restart my
system and that's when the trouble starts. You see, as
my comp is restarting, the windows logo appears with a
loading bar beneath just as it always does, then my
screen goes black, i hear a click inside my comp like
something switching off and my comp just sorta 'hangs'
there. The power button is still lit up on the tower so
somethings going on, but the screen remains black and I
can tell by listening inside the case that nothing's
moving inside anymore.

Each time this has happened I've had to reinstall windows
from the installation cd my comp came with.

I really want to finish installing my new hard drive but
I'm apprehensive until I have xp sp1a installed so I can
be sure to I can use it to its full potential.

I'm beginning to get a little frustrated with all this
and I'd really appreciate any advice at that you can
offer. Thanks and sorry for the long post, I had a lot to
say. ;-P


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