trouble capturing analog audio



Hey there... hoping someone might be able to help me!

I'm working with Windows Movie Maker on my brand new eMchaines Media Center PC, trying to transfer my old VHS tapes to my computer for editing. Here's my problem...

I've hooked up the VHS machine to my computer using the typical video and audio out/in jacks. But the only way I could get the audio to come through the computer was to use a hybrid audio cable that plugs into the MICROPHONE jack .

The audio and video come through CRYSTAL CLEAR while I'm capturing them.. but when I go to play them back in "clip" mode... the audio level is so low it's basically inaudible.

I've tried adjusting the audio input level, but that doesn't work. If you can help me understand what's going on, I'd really appreciate it!




Hi'a Tano,

I wish I could help you with your problem....sorry...but I actually read that you were able to capture your analog video really crisp using MM2. Well, that's my problem. I can capture my analog video fine, but when viewing it, it seems to 'lag' a bit. When the motion is fast...the picture blurs a bit. I know I'm a bit cheeky to ask (since you were asking for help...) but could you give me any hints on capturing crisp video with no blur when action is happening?

Thanks in advance. I sure hope you find a solution for your problem...frustrating isn't it!!

Blessings, Michaela


Hey Michaela

Thanks for writing, and unfortunately this post will be just as unhelpful! I'm actually using the first version of Windows Movie Maker, not the WMM2 upgrade. And truthfully, I'm so new to this I couldn't even explain why I'm able to capture my analog VHS video so crisply. It just works!

I'm actually shocked by the number of people who have problems capturing video and audio with WMM and WMM2. It seems far more complicated and far less untuitive than it should be!

I wish you luck in working with this program... thanks for writing!




Hi'a Tano,

Yeah, it's a great programme MM2. I really like it. I find it very simple. I have made some really good DVD's from it. If I could just get this analog crispness sorted!! Ah well......

Thanks for your response. I hope you have been able to get help for your problem...or maybe you have figured it out through trial and error. Anyway, good luck.


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