capturing analog audio

  • Thread starter Thread starter lental
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I recently took a floatplane trip to Misty Fjords National Monument in Alaska
and recorded video on my digital Olympus digital camera. I converted the
*.mov files to AVI files and successfully added the 15+ clips to the
storyboard. Unfortunately I did not realize that the camera microphone had to
be manually turned on so I got no audio. I want to add aircraft engine sounds
to the video. Using Microsoft Flight Simulator 2009, I duplicated the flight
and saved a video with audio in a file with the extension *.FSR. I could not
open that file to extract the audio portion so I then recorded the sound to
an analog tape recorded from the computer speakers.

I now have an analog tape but I have no clue as to how to transfer that tape
to my computer. Can someone help. Thanks.
lental said:
I recently took a floatplane trip to Misty Fjords National Monument
in Alaska and recorded video on my digital Olympus digital camera. I
converted the *.mov files to AVI files and successfully added the 15+
clips to the storyboard. Unfortunately I did not realize that the
camera microphone had to be manually turned on so I got no audio. I
want to add aircraft engine sounds to the video. Using Microsoft
Flight Simulator 2009, I duplicated the flight and saved a video with
audio in a file with the extension *.FSR. I could not open that file
to extract the audio portion so I then recorded the sound to an
analog tape recorded from the computer speakers.

I now have an analog tape but I have no clue as to how to transfer
that tape to my computer. Can someone help. Thanks.
I'm not familiar with the .fsr format but if you can
play the file on your computer the following article
may offer an idea. It was written for iTunes but I
think it would apply to your issue also:

Movie Maker 2 - Importing Audio
(look at "I use a shortcut " in the right column under
PapaJohn Comments)


J. Inzer MS-MVP
Digital Media Experience

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John -- Thanks for responding. I had already checked out Papajohn's site and
that particular newsletter. However, I did find a search engine for sound
files which I checked out. What I discovered is that these sound files are
very short. I found similar files in MSFS 9 but had difficulty in matching
them to the videoclips. If I can fiure a way to match and synch those small
bites to the video, it would work. In fact, where I was able to match them
up, it worked really well. Unfortunately, sometimes the sound clip stopped
playing before the video clip ended and in many cases, I was not able to
import a sound clip into the time line to ma5tch the video.

I think I could add the engine sounds I have on tape as a narration but then
that takes away the ability to narrate the movie or to add music.

I'm sure there's a way to import the sound fromthe tape into my computer but
I simply don't know how to do it. If I can, I will add the engine sounds to
the vacant audio strip then put narration and music on the music/audio strip.

lental said:
I think I could add the engine sounds I have on tape as a narration
but then that "takes away the ability to narrate the movie or to add
No it doesn't....what you have to do is add one
sound file to the Audi/Music movie file...
re-import the file and Add another sound file to the
Audio/Music track.
I'm sure there's a way to "import the sound from the tape into my
computer" but I simply don't know how to do it. If I can, I will add
the engine sounds to the vacant audio strip then put narration and
music on the music/audio strip.
Try the following free software:


How do I record from vinyl records, cassette tapes, or minidiscs?


J. Inzer MS-MVP
Digital Media Experience

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John -- Once again thanks! I'll check out the sites you referenced.

However, after your last response I went to Marc Liron's site and watched
several of his videos on adding audio and narration. As a result, I
discovered a couple of things.

First, the audio track in only for audio on the video. All I can do there
is mute the audio track. I can't utilize it for additional audio even if its

I also learned that by zooming in on the timeline I can add those little
bitty audio clips fairly precisely so I'm using the engine sound .wav files
from FS9. When I do the narration, I'll play the tape of the engine sounds as
I narrate which will give me continuity. This means I won't be able to add
music unless I do it the same way as the engine sounds but that's OK.

Thanks again for responding
lental said:
First, the audio track in only for audio on the video. All I can do
is mute the audio track. I can't utilize it for additional audio even
if its blank.
Hmmm, I'm not sure if you are agreeing or disagreeing...

Anyway...I suggested adding multiple audio files to the:
"Audio/Music" track. And this is accomplished by
Save movie file / add another sound file - Save movie
file / add another sound file - etc...etc...

When you "Save movie file"...all the sound is moved up to
the "Audio" track and the "Audio Music" track is cleared.

Each time you have to re-import the saved movie file and
add another sound file.


J. Inzer MS-MVP
Digital Media Experience

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John Inzer said: "Hmmm, I'm not sure if you are agreeing or disagreeing..."

Neither...just commenting. I was not aware that once you save the movie all
audio clips are moved to the audio track. I have not been saving the
movie...just the project. I have now saved the movie to my computer and have
replayed it several times, it works fine. I suppose, based on what you're
saying, I can reload the movie into WMM2 and put additional sound on it. I
was not aware of that and it's good to know.

I'm not at the stage where I'm trying to burn a CD of the movie and have hit
the snag mentioned in several other posts. I'm working through your suggested
sites to try to figure out what my problem is.

I have been reading about custom profiles and I'm wondering how practical
they are if I want to create a DVD to send to a friend who doesn't have my
custom profile.

Sure would be nice to be able to just hit the button and have the DVD
produced with no further complications. Also, I'm trying to now figure out
how to produce a DVD that will play in my DVD player so I can watch this
movie on my big screen TV. I suppose I'll pick up info on that as I circulate
through the commentary you referenced on the other threads.

Again, thanks for all your help and input.
Custom profiles are only used to save movies as WMV files.... they have no
effect on a video DVD as the saved WMV movies must be converted to the
standard MPEG2 files needed for the disc.
I probably should have said that custom profiles are only used to make a
movie, and are not used to play it back.
PapaHohn -- Thanks for jumping in.

In an earlier post I said: "I'm not at the stage where I'm trying to burn a
CD of the movie and have hit...XXX" That should have read: "I'm NOW at the
stage where...XXX"

I've been through virtually all of your posts and tutorials about making
CDs/DVDs and frankly, I'm such a newbie that it all seems quite complicated.
Intrying to simplify, I have the following question: Since I was able to save
the movie to my computer, can I use a DVD such as Roxie or Ulead (which I
have) to simply create a data DVD which I could send to friends and have them
be able to make it play in Windows Media Player by simply clicking on it as I
do in my computer?

Further, I'd like to be able to play a DVD of the movie on my DVD player and
I understand that I'll need the movie in MPEG to do that. Is it possible to
use a converter such as BINK (Radvideo) to make a batch conversion of the
entire movie and have this happen without the need to convert each individual
clip to MPEG and then import those files into MM2, essentially redoing the
entire movie?

Thanks for all you guys do!!!
lental said:
PapaHohn -- Thanks for jumping in.

In an earlier post I said: "I'm not at the stage where I'm trying to
burn a CD of the movie and have hit...XXX" That should have read:
"I'm NOW at the stage where...XXX"

I've been through virtually all of your posts and tutorials about
making CDs/DVDs and frankly, I'm such a newbie that it all seems
quite complicated. Intrying to simplify, I have the following
question: Since I was able to save the movie to my computer, can I
use a DVD such as Roxie or Ulead (which I have) to simply create a
data DVD which I could send to friends and have them be able to make
it play in Windows Media Player by simply clicking on it as I do in
my computer?

Further, I'd like to be able to play a DVD of the movie on my DVD
player and I understand that I'll need the movie in MPEG to do that.
Is it possible to use a converter such as BINK (Radvideo) to make a
batch conversion of the entire movie and have this happen without the
need to convert each individual clip to MPEG and then import those
files into MM2, essentially redoing the entire movie?

Thanks for all you guys do!!!
Lots of info...keep scrolling.....

Yes, ULead and /or Roxio can create a
Data DVD.

Since you are mentioning 'Individual Clips'...
I'm wondering if you have actually saved your
completed project as a movie. Or do you just
have the .mswmm project file which is only
useful for re-editing in Movie Maker.

To save as an .avi movie file...
(and several other options)
Type...Ctrl+P to open the Save Movie Wizard /
Choose...My Computer /
Next /
Enter a Name and a Save Location /
Next /
Show More Choices /
Other Settings /
Open the drop window and choose...DV-AVI /
Next /
Wait while the movie is saved /

To save as a .wmv movie file...
Type...Ctrl+P to open the Save Movie Wizard /
Choose...My Computer /
Next /
Enter a Name and a Save Location /
Next /
Tick...'Best Quality For My Computer'
Wait while the movie is saved /

Also, you may find it useful to use
a custom profile:

Movie Maker 2 - Saving
Movies - Custom WMV Profiles

Creating Custom Profiles
for Windows Movie Maker 2

Scroll down for programs and instructions
to perform the tasks you inquired about.

The following freeware can create a Data
DVD from your .wmv movie file.


CDBurnerXP - Create Data Disc

If you use the following freeware you can
create a Video DVD from your .wmv movie
file that will play in a free standing DVD Player:

DVD Flick

Be sure to read the Guide:

If you have problems downloading DVD Flick...
try the following direct link:

Save the file to a folder on your hard drive and
install from there.


DVD Flick Tutorial

Burn Any PC Video Format into DVD

To create a basic Video DVD that should play in a free
standing DVD player...try the following...

Good luck. the DVD Flick Guide to familiarize yourself
with the program.

Open DVD Flick and insert a blank DVD in your burner.

If your computer's Autoplay window opens....just close it.

Click the Project Settings button and go to...Video /
Target format...residents of USA...choose...NTSC /

Left click the Add title button and browse to your
Movie Clips and select the ones you want on the DVD.

You can arrange them by selecting one and then use
the Move Up and Move Down buttons.

Left click the Create DVD button / OK / Yes / Yes.

Wait while the DVD is created.

When the text "Finished Successfully" appears you
may close DVD Flick. Now you can eject your DVD
and play it in your DVD player.

At some point you may wish to purchase more
advanced software like Cyberlink, Nero, Roxio,
Ulead, etc...but at least this is a start.

Good luck.


J. Inzer MS-MVP
Digital Media Experience

This is not tech support
I am a volunteer

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Proceed at your own risk
Wow!!!! Lots of stuff... It'll take me a while to work through it all but to
respond to your question: "Since you are mentioning 'Individual Clips'... I'm
wondering if you have actually saved your completed project as a movie."

I have "Saved to My Computer" so I have the completed movie in MY Videos
folder. When I click on it, it opens immediately in Windows Media Player.

After I saved it to the computer, I went back to the project and tried to
"Save it as a CD" and that's where I hit the snag and started asking
questions here. I probably should have opened a new thread but this is
working for me and you have been an enormous help.

With regard to the data DVD, I'm familiar with burning them (I use them for
backing up important files) but I was wondering if I simply move my MM2 movie
to a DVD will that file be playable by simply clicking on it to open it in
Windows Media Player or will my friend have to copy it to his computer before
he can open it?

Obviously, I could simply try it but I'm using DVD RWs at almost a buck a
disk and I hate to waste them for experimentation, though I guess I can
always use them again if the experiment doesn't work.

In any case, though it may not sound like it, I am making progress.

lental said:
Wow!!!! Lots of stuff... It'll take me a while to work through it
all but to respond to your question: "Since you are mentioning
'Individual Clips'... I'm wondering if you have actually saved your
completed project as a movie."

I have "Saved to My Computer" so I have the completed movie in MY
Videos folder. When I click on it, it opens immediately in Windows
Media Player.
OK...apparently you have a single .wmv movie file.
So what "clips" are you referring to?
After I saved it to the computer, I went back to the project and
tried to "Save it as a CD" and that's where I hit the snag and
started asking questions here. I probably should have opened a new
thread but this is working for me and you have been an enormous help.
If you had the .wmv file saved in your My Videos folder...
it may have been best to burn your Data CD using third
party software.
With regard to the data DVD, I'm familiar with burning them (I use
them for backing up important files) but I was wondering if I simply
move my MM2 movie to a DVD will that file be playable by simply
clicking on it to open it in Windows Media Player or will my friend
have to copy it to his computer before he can open it?
If your .wmv movie file will fit on a CD...and the intended
use is to play it on a computer...there is no reason to use
a DVD.

And yes, the .wmv file should play on a computer directly
from the CD. Just open the CD and left click the .wmv file
to launch it in Windows Media Player.
Obviously, I could simply try it but I'm using DVD RWs at almost a
buck a disk and I hate to waste them for experimentation, though I
guess I can always use them again if the experiment doesn't work.

In any case, though it may not sound like it, I am making progress.

Good luck with your projects...


J. Inzer MS-MVP
Digital Media Experience

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I am a volunteer

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John Inzer wrote: "OK...apparently you have a single .wmv movie file.
So what "clips" are you referring to?"

Clearly, I'm confusing you. I'll try to clarify. I'm really discussing two
seperate issues at the same time. Hence the confusion...

First, I've completed the movie and I want to send it to friends. Based on
your input, I can do that by burning the WMV file to a CD or DVD which my
friends can view on their computers via Wndows Media Player. That answers one

Second, I still have my project file intact and saved. That brings me to my
second question which arose based on reading many of Papajohn's articles and
tutorials. Can I use the base project and convert those clips to MPEG through
a converter to create a movie that is viewable on a TV through a DVD player?
I believe that I can convert individual clips but can I batch convert the
entire project without the need to convert each individual clip and re-edit
the time-line to remove the existing AVI clips and add in the MPEG clips?

I suspect that's where the personal profiles mentioned by Papajohn come in
but I'm still not sure about the exact "fit." I'm sure more reading of
Papajohn's stuff will help but this is a lot to digest and my feeble old mind
ani't digesting it that quickly.

I appreciate your continued input
Let's work backwards from your goal of having a video DVD playing on a DVD
Player/TV setup.

That means you'll need to author and burn a DVD using software other than
Movie Maker.... and you need a DVD burner in your computer. What DVD making
software came with your system?? You'll need to take the saved movies from
Movie Maker to that software to have it make the disc.
lental said:
John Inzer wrote: "OK...apparently you have a single .wmv movie file.
So what "clips" are you referring to?"

Clearly, I'm confusing you. I'll try to clarify. I'm really
discussing two seperate issues at the same time. Hence the

First, I've completed the movie and I want to send it to friends.
Based on your input, I can do that by burning the WMV file to a CD or
DVD which my friends can view on their computers via Wndows Media
Player. That answers one question.

Second, I still have my project file intact and saved. That brings me
to my second question which arose based on reading many of Papajohn's
articles and tutorials. Can I use the base project and convert those
clips to MPEG through a converter to create a movie that is viewable
on a TV through a DVD player? I believe that I can convert individual
clips but can I batch convert the entire project without the need to
convert each individual clip and re-edit the time-line to remove the
existing AVI clips and add in the MPEG clips?

I suspect that's where the personal profiles mentioned by Papajohn
come in but I'm still not sure about the exact "fit." I'm sure more
reading of Papajohn's stuff will help but this is a lot to digest and
my feeble old mind ani't digesting it that quickly.

I appreciate your continued input
Sorry...but I give up...

Seems to me that you have more than
enough info to complete your task.

Good luck...


J. Inzer MS-MVP
Digital Media Experience

This is not tech support
I am a volunteer

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you

Proceed at your own risk
I built the computer myself so everything I have I bought or dowloaded
myself. The burners I have include Roxio, Ulead and Nero along with another
free burner download.

If I understand where you're heading, does this mean the burner will make
the necessary conversion to an appropriate file which will be playable on a
standard DVD player or will I have to make the conversion seperately then
burn the CD?
John Inzer wrote: "Sorry...but I give up... Seems to me that you have more than
enough info to complete your task."

I don't blame you. I think I'm very close...especially if I can work through
allthe info you provided. I truly appreciate your time and help.
No, not the burner.... the disc making software does the conversions as
needed to get them to MPEG files.... the burner lays them on the disc.