transferring document folders and documents




I have a new computer and would like to copy document folders and documents from my old computer to my new. Both have XP SP2 with all the updates.

My old computer has some user profile and registry issues. None of those issues would be copied over would they? Aren't all those issued in files like NTUSER.DAT, etc.?

All I want to copy are Document folders and documents. Is there any risk of transferring problems from one computer to the other?


On 5/21/2007 2:30 PM On a whim, BBran pounded out on the keyboard

I have a new computer and would like to copy document folders and documents from my old computer to my new. Both have XP SP2 with all the updates.

My old computer has some user profile and registry issues. None of those issues would be copied over would they? Aren't all those issued in files like NTUSER.DAT, etc.?

All I want to copy are Document folders and documents. Is there any risk of transferring problems from one computer to the other?

Hi Bob,

Just copying My Documents from one to the other is fine. No reg info
will be transferred.


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I have a new computer and would like to copy document folders and
documents from my
old computer to my new. Both have XP SP2 with all the updates.
My old computer has some user profile and registry issues. None of those
would be copied over would they? Aren't all those issued in files like
All I want to copy are Document folders and documents. Is there any risk
of transferring
problems from one computer to the other?

Look at using the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard. Here is info on it.

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