transfer wizard




I have a friend who had just purchased a new PC that will come with XP home.
Her old PC has Windows '98. I offered to help her transfer her old files to
the new computer. I thought I'd try using the Transfer Wizard. I have a
null modem cable that I thought I'd use for the job.

Will this work? Any advice? Any gremlins I need to know about before we

I'd be grateful for any feedback or advice-




be better off just make BU's of her ...I assume data files you were
referring to....


If the computers hard a network card use that. It's much faster and easier to work with. You do have to purchase a crossover cable though or you can use a hub or router

Enable file sharing and the old machine. Right click on the folder you want to share and then click on Sharing. It's self explanatory from there.

Make sure the computer are in the same workgroup. Right click My Computer, go to properties.

From the new machine go to My Network Places and you'll be able to see the files on the old machine. Hope that helps

----- Betsy wrote: ----


I have a friend who had just purchased a new PC that will come with XP home
Her old PC has Windows '98. I offered to help her transfer her old files t
the new computer. I thought I'd try using the Transfer Wizard. I have
null modem cable that I thought I'd use for the job

Will this work? Any advice? Any gremlins I need to know about before w

I'd be grateful for any feedback or advice



Rob Elder, MVP

Nothing wrong with the transfer wizard. Agree that the network is better
then serial connection.

ray.lee said:
If the computers hard a network card use that. It's much faster and
easier to work with. You do have to purchase a crossover cable though or
you can use a hub or router.
Enable file sharing and the old machine. Right click on the folder you
want to share and then click on Sharing. It's self explanatory from there.
Make sure the computer are in the same workgroup. Right click My Computer, go to properties.

From the new machine go to My Network Places and you'll be able to see the
files on the old machine. Hope that helps!


Thanks for these replies. I guess I was hoping the Transfer Wizard would
make it easy. I'm not always so confident when approaching networking
tasks. But I will print these posts out and see if I can apply the
suggestions correctly.

Keep your fingers crossed for me!


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