Time sheets and hours



I set up a timecard for myself, in which I input a start and end time, and
through subtraction, arrive at a number of hours worked.
1 9:00 AM 5:00 PM 8.00
2 8:30 AM 5:00 PM 8.30
3 TOTAL: 16.30

Trouble is I get funky totals, because, I suspect, the C column is giving
times instead of a number of hours. So it's adding 8:00 am to 8: 30 AM and
telling me I only worked a half hour. Any ideas? The total should be total
hours worked.


Format Column C to General or Number, and use this formula:


If you anticipate that you might cross midnight, where the end time is less
then the start time, try this instead which works for *all* cases:



Make sure that columns A and B are formatted as Time and that C is not (set
it General or Number with set number of decimal places) and when you do the
math in column C multiply the result by 24, as:
Excel handles times as you're using them as fractions of a day, so 5pm - 8am
actually returns a value of .375, which multiplied by 24 gives 9

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