time formula



I am trying to calculate in and out time for a time sheet spreadsheet.
Example: 9:00 am (in time), 5:00 pm (out time). I devised a formula:


It works for all senarios except if you begin with PM and end with AM.
5:00 pm (in time), 1:00 am (out time)

Can anyone help me!!


I've done something similar for Surgery in and out time for my
hospital. Our times never cross a day though.

Understand that time is saved as a faction of a day: a date/time raw
looks like 1000.0001
everything to the left of the decimal is date info, everything to the
right is time info. 1.0 is one day 1.5 is 1 day 12 hours etc

You could add an if statement like.....if ( end time < start time, end
time + 1 ) this adds 24 hours, so 7 am end time raw data would be 31
hours, minus 7pm start time would be 19 hours....so 31 hours minus 19
hours = 12 hours

hope that helps


Start time in A1,
End time in B1,

*Either* of these should work:



Harald Staff

assuming nobody works more than 23 hours 59 minutes.

HTH. Best wishes Harald

Harald Staff

Glad to hear that, thanks for the feedback. In case someone should ask,
adds 24 hours to the end time if it's earlier than start time.

Best wishes Harald

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