The three thingies in the upper right corner


Barry Karas

BlankMy computer fouled up about ½ an hour ago...I mean REALLY fouled up.
There weren't the three thingies in the upper right corner (the underline;
the box/double box to maximize/minimize; the "X" to close things) were not
there. [And Alt.+F didn't close things down. In fact, it didn't work.]

I just "fooled around" a little bit. Even rebooting or plugging/unpluging my
computer didn't work. Basically, I just pressed the "F" keys which gave
other web pages to me -- but the pages were so large I could not close them

The foul-up fixed itself: I went to snack for a little while and returned in
±10 minutes. I was going to call a professional computer fixit person, but I
thought I'd look to see how things were. Voilà they were fixed -- and I said
a big "whew".

What was the problem (besides me <g>)? How would I prevent it from occurring

Thank you,

Barry Karas

P.S. I have WinXP Pro with S.P.2.


now and again the pic gets the wrong size.adjust it with the buttons on the
monator.usually the left button brings up menu.once adjusted it usually stays
right.or not lol the size of pic changes as pc ages.2 on monater near on
/off also selects.

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