The requested address is not valid in its context



Hi, I have written a sample program that acts as a simple server that prints
out what the client sends to it. It works well when I run both client and
server on the same machine. However when they are seperate machines, I
encountered the following "The requested address is not valid in its

The following is the sample program

public Form1()






IPAddress ip = IPAddress.Parse("");

IPEndPoint ep = new IPEndPoint(ip, 65000);

// Console.WriteLine( "Connecting to {0}", serverName );

TcpClient tcpSocket = new TcpClient( ep );

// TcpClient tcpSocket = new TcpClient( serverName, 65000 );

streamToServer = tcpSocket.GetStream();


catch(SocketException err)





private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


string message = txtMsg.Text.Trim();


"Sending {0} to server.", message );

// create a streamWriter and use it to

// write a string to the server

System.IO.StreamWriter writer =

new System.IO.StreamWriter( streamToServer );

writer.WriteLine( message );


// Read response

System.IO.StreamReader reader =

new System.IO.StreamReader( streamToServer );

string strResponse = reader.ReadLine();

Console.WriteLine( "Received: {0}", strResponse );

// streamToServer.Close();



private void Run()


// create a new TcpListener and start it up

// listening on port 65000

// IPAddress localAddr = IPAddress.Parse( "" );

IPAddress localAddr = Dns.Resolve(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList[0];

Console.WriteLine( localAddr.ToString() );

TcpListener tcpListener = new TcpListener( localAddr, 65000 );


Console.WriteLine( "Listening..." );

// keep listening until you send the file

for ( ; ; )


// if a client connects, accept the connection

// and return a new socket named socketForClient

// while tcpListener keeps listening

Socket socketForClient =


Console.WriteLine( "Client connected" );

ClientHandler handler =

new ClientHandler( socketForClient );




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